The Phoenix

176 51 21


Though I'm late, this chapter is dedicated to all the wonderful women out there:)

She watched as the disfigured face

Stared at her,

Haunting her in dreams and 

Shattering her dreams.

Her once beautiful face

Now covered in blood and flesh,

Are flowing from her eyes

Tears or blood?

People shunned her,

Children scared to go near her.

But the culprit enjoyed his life,

Without any demons.

She is scarred for life,

Too scared to face the world.

Bur her perseverance,

Will mend her broken strings.

She will rise from her ashes,

Clothed in nothing but strength.

She will conquer the world,

Like a phoenix.

Her scars are ugly to the world,

But for her, they are the medals.

For the battles, she's won and

The demons she faced.

Life crushed her but,

She will shine like a diamond.

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Happy Belated Women's Day to all the beautiful and strong women out there:)

Happy Reading!

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