In Loving Memory of Federico De Santis

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This poem is based on a character named Rico from the Luciano Series by @taintedkissesxo.

If you haven't read the book, then you're missing out a gem of wattpad. 


The world knew him as an assassin,

the one who ends lives cruelly,

the one who killed millions,

the one who had no empathy.

They never saw him,

for he lurked in shadows.

And whoever did,

isn't alive anymore.

He was a nightmare,

that makes people shiver in fear.

His body covered with scars,

more than the skin.

For he had fought as many battles,

as the endless sky.

Beneath the façade,

lies a young broken boy,

fighting away his demons,

with no one by his side.

The one who watches Disney movies,

the one who introduced himself as Olaf,

the one who loves rainbow sprinkles,

the one who plays Mario-Kart,

the one who would have been a great pianist.

He hides his sadness and loneliness,

with his silly jokes.

But I saw the broken boy,

succumbing to his demons.

To the world,

he was Fantasma.

But to me,

he was Rico...


Thank you for being patient with me for updates. Because of the exams, I didn't have time to write.

If you like this poem, then please vote comment and share.

And I'm not getting any ideas for a while. So if you want me to write a poem on any topic, then don't hesitate to PM me or comment here.

Write the topic or give me a situation.

Thanks for reading :)

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