Dreams of the Women Prisoner

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Look at the picture on the side before reading the poem.

The birds are chirping,

The trees dancing in air,

The cool breeze fanning the place outside,

I could feel them all yet couldn't.

The walls painted in sour cream,

The place engulfed in foul smell,

Reeking of dried blood,

With suffocation became a necessity.

The people shouting in agony,

Some moaning in grief,

Some fighting to forget the pain,

Trying to escape the harsh reality.

The men fighting for humanity,

Show their bravery with medals.

The women fighting for humanity,

Show their bravery with scars.

The men fighters,

Placed in the hall of fame.

And the women fighters,

Placed in prison.

The soul which fought for humanity,

Treated like trash

The one that should be treasured,

Being held hostile.

The mother of humanity,

Being beaten like a rug.

Sitting beside the cage,

With little hope dangling in air,

Holding out a hand waiting,

For someone to pull me out

From this hell...



When I looked at the painting, I felt the need to write a poem. And here is the end result!

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Stay Safe and Happy Reading!

With immense love,


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