Hero's Day Again (Chapter 7)

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Art credit: @bluebellprncss on Instagram go check her out!

A couple of days had passed and Hero's Day was approaching again. Chloe was in the hotel buying designer things online, when an envelope slipped into the room. Chloe opened the envelope right away, it had a red stamp on it and the letter inside was yellow. Chloe has never seen a stamp like that on before, she opened the urgently to see what it was about. To her surprise she it was and invitation:

Suprise! This is Ladybug & Cat Noir!
All superhero's including, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee, Pegasus, King Monkey, Ryuko, and Viperion, have been invited to a party. The party will be on Hero's Day, we wanted to appreciate you all for being hero's and take a break from being heros. We play fun games like: truth or dare and spin the bottle. We will meet on partalon roof top at 6:30pm. We hope to see you there and hopefully hawk moth doesn't ackumatize everyone again, lol.
Wear your superhero costumes!
Peace out, Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Viperion is gonna be there, Chloe thought.

                             Later that week...
Chloe was getting ready to go to the party. She did the finishing touches on her makeup and headed out the window. She went straight to the partalon roof top, it wasn't to far from the hotel. When she got there she saw Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Viperion.

Cat Noir- "Bugaboo is a tad late like always," he announced while rolling his eyes. Viperion looks up at Chloe and smirks,

Vperion- "Nice to see you M'queen." Chloe blushes but Cat Noir cuts her off,

Chat noir "HEY! That's my line!"

Viperion- "Don't get all feisty on me kitty cat."

Chat noir- "ONLY Ladybug gets to call me that!" Everyone breaks out laughing holding tears back. At that very moment ladybug swoops in,

"I heard someone say my name?" she said jokingly poking at Chat Noir.

Viperion- "Tell your lil street cat to settle down."

Rena Rouge- "Viperion you did steal his CATphrase, and Cat Noir behave yourself. You guys are acting like little kids." Chat Noir and Viperion stare at eachother but the couldn't handle themselves any more, they burst out laughing. Everyone was having such a good time so far that they hadn't even realized the party set up. There was a table with snacks and a red sheet/blanket on the floor. There was ring toss set up and glass bottles as rolling pins.

Carapace- "Nice set up du- guys," carapace stopped himself  before saying dudes, he didn't want to make it obvious who he was. Pegasus arrived out of nowhere, he must half teleported there.

Ladybug- "I guess this is when teleportation comes in handy?" She giggles at her own joke and everyone joins here.

Pegasus-"Sorry I'm late guys, the teleportation did come in handy, I thought I wouldn't make it."

Cat Noir- "Speaking of late when did you get here Ryuko?"

Ryuko(Kagami)- "In regards to your question Cat Noir my response is I got here a quarter before 7:00 pm." Ryuko was speaking very formally as she always would.

Carapace-"Sooo... you basically got here a minute ago?" Carapace says trying to break up what she said and tried to clarify.

Rena Rouge- "Girl! Chill out this is a party no need to talk so fancy!' Ryuko just smiled she had never really been invited to a party.

Carapace- "Okay so moving on... WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE why aren't we at the snack table!"

Everyone- "YEA!"  Everyone stuffed there faces with croissants, pastries, chips till they were full, in the middle of them stuffing their faces King Monkey appeared.

Cat Noir-"What took you so long it's like 7:15." Everyone giggles at the way Cat noir wines.

King Monkey- "I had some monkey business to take care of kitty cat." The Monkey says.

Ladybug - "Now that everyone is here should we start playing the games?" Without any hesitation everyone screams, "YEA!"

Rena Rouge- "Okay what games do y'all plan to play."

Cat Noir- "How about spin the bottle!" Cat Noir raises his eyebrows and elbows Ladybug.

Ladybug- "If you think your getting a kiss out of me Cat Noir, think again." Everyone including Ladybug was trying to fight back their laughs. Cat Noir was desperate for a kiss from Ladybug.

Chloe hadn't realised it but she was kind of leaning on Viperion she quickly jumped up and moved aside.

King Monkey- "How about Man Hunt?"

Carapace- "Ok I'm down."

Rena Rouge- "Truth or Dare can also be an option."

Queen Bee- "For once I agree with the fox that might actually be fun." Chloe commented.

Ladybug- "Is this bonding between Rena and the Queen I see?" Ladybug raises and eyebrow and teases them.

Rena Rouge- "Yea and it's the last time your gonna see it."

Pegasus- "So why don't we start with Truth or Dare?"

Ladybug- "Everyone who votes for Truth or Dare first raise your hand!" Everyone raised their hand in agreement.

Ladybug- "So let the game begin!"

(Word count 868) Author: If anyone has any suggestions or anything let me know I'm open to anything!

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