Game Time! (Chapter 8)

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P.S this is not me art, and this chapter will be super long.

They all sat on the red blanket in a circle.
Ladybug- "Okay who's going first?" She already knew the answer to her own question.
Chat Noir- " Ouuuu me! Me! M'lady truth or dare?" He turned to her in excitement.
Ladybug- "Truth."
Chat Noir- "Ugh bugaboo is no fun. Is it true that you have a crush on me?"
Ladybug- "In your dreams kitty." Chat Noir started to pout and everyone just started laughing.
Rena Rouge- "Ouu I got one! King Monkey, truth or dare?"
King Monkey- "DARE!"
Rena Rouge- "I dare you to stuff your mouth with as many marshmallows from the snack bar as you can." Before Rena Rouge could even get up he turned around and said,
King Monkey- "DAWN! THERWTY SWIX MAR.. MEWOS." He mouth was stuffed with gooey white marshmallows poking out. Both Carapace and Chat Noir were pounding the floor laughing at how King Monkey had stuffed his mounth with marshmallows. Everyone was holding there stomach from all the laughing.
Pegasus- "Okay I have one! Carapace! Truth or dare?"
Carapace- "Dare of course!"
Pegasus- "I dare you to do the most embarrassing dance move in front of everyone!"
Carapace- "Dude that's cold but I'll do it-" Carapace started doing the worm and moving up and down. Now everyone was just dying by how funny his dance was.
Pegasus- "Okay dude I'll save you your embarrassment that was too funny." Pegasus says laughing.
Ladybug- "Okay Ryuko truth or dare?"
Ryuko- "I believe I will pick truth."
Ladybug- "Who do you find the most attractive here?"
Ryuko- "I find Pegasus rather kind." Everyone does their "ouuss," "ahhhhss,"
King Monkey- "Well that was un expected."
Pegasus- "Why thank you Ryuko I find you kind as well." Ryuko and Pegasus both blush.
Chat Noir- "Okay can we just play spin the bottle already."
Queen Bee- "Since you keep insisting why don't you go first street cat."
Chat Noir- "Oh look who finally speaks up."
He spins the bottle crossing his fingers, it spins around multiple times. When it finally stops it ends up right back at him.
Chat Noir- "Aww come on that doesn't count!"
Ladybug- "Looks like your not getting a kiss from me kitty," she said teasing him.
Carapace- "Okay my turn!" His spin was really quick and landed on Rena Rouge. They both kissed and everyone stared.
Queen Bee- "Look who's the love birds now."
Rena Rouge- "FINALLY there's the sassy queen bee I know! she was so quiet I almost thought we lost her."
Queen Bee- "Oh hush up fox."
Carapace- "Ok Viperion your turn." Carapace hands him the bottle. Viperion looks at the bottle and then back at Carapace. Spin, spin, spin, the bottle goes at a slower pace and stoped at the person next to him. He looked up and saw Queen Bee sitting right next to him.
Viperion- "May I kiss you M'queen?" Viperion was never the one to force anybody anything. He always asked for people's consent and was gentle. Queen Bee noded her head slowly. She was blushing and became really hot. He cupped one of her cheeks gently, grabed her by the waist and kissed her. He then gazed into her mysterious blue eyes. Her roise cheeks were now a bright red.
Chat Noir- "Ok! Enough romance lets play Man hunt already!"
Pegasus- "Someone's a bit jealous they didn't get their kiss." Pegasus said teasingly.
It was perfect! It was getting dark and there was many hiding places on the roof.
Carapace- "Ok how about this, we pick someone randomly and the rest of us hide, the last one found is the winner." He says instructing everyone.
Rena Rouge- "So basically hide and go seek?" She says teasing him.
Carapace- "Well.. yea if you put it that's way. Way to kill the vibe Rena." He says goofy.
Chat Noir- "So how do we pick someone? Eeny meeny, miny moe?"
Ladybug- "Well we aren't children but for now that will do." She says laughing.
King Monkey- "Ok everyone put one foot in and we will settle this once and for all. Let the professional sing, I know what I'm doing." He said like an expert leaning back.
Everyone put a foot in, he aligned their shoes in a round circle.
King Monkey- "Ok Eeny, Meeny Miny, Moe if you catch a tiger by the toe hollers let him go...
Eeny meeny, miny, moe, Ryuko your safe!"
He went on for another minute and the last two people standing was Pegasus and Rena.
King Monkey- "Peagus your safe! Rena your it!"
Rena- "You guys have 5 min to hide I'm not giving you any more so hurry up."
Pegasus found a big rock to hide behind of so he decided to use it as his hiding place.
Ladybug chose to use her yo-yo as a hook, she used it as a rope to hang onto the roof and dangle herself on the building. Carapace underneath the table with the snacks. King Monkey hid behind a huge brick wall. Chat Noir found a little ditch and hid there. Ryuko hid behind some wood logs. Viperion hid behind a stair case on the building. Chloe was having a hard time finding a hiding spot, she heard Rena counting, 10, 9, 8, 7... quickly Viperion snatched her and he placed a finger over her mouth before she could say anything, "we can hide together." He whispered. He pulled her to his spot. Although the stairs where the most obvious part of the roof they went deeper down and made it hard to see people. He grabbed her hand and went deeper in the stairs, the deeper it got the shorter the stairs got. Once they came to an end he had to crouch down adjusting himself to Chloe's height. Making them look at each other face to face. They were really close and he gave her a sweet smile, that's what Chloe liked about him, how he was always sweet. The stairs were hallow so they weren't able to make much noise but they were able to hear everything going on the outside.
Rena Rouge- "Hmm... it'd be a shame if someone small was hiding behind this big rock." She says as she sees one of Pegasus's dreadlocks poke behind the rock. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed. As she turned she saw something. "Now what is a red yo yo doing here dangling on the roof? I might just have to pick it up." Rena says sarcastically.
Ladybug was hanging onto the yo yo and things could have gotten bad, her only option was to surrender.
Ladybug- "Fine! You got me!"
Rena Rouge- "Do you guys know where the rest are?"
Ladybug & Pegasus- "Even if we did we wouldn't tell."
Rena Rouge- "Fine it looks like I'll have to do this on my own." She said rolling her eyes. She hears something drop near the snack table behind her. She walks to it and pulls the table cover up, she reveals carapace curled up.
Rena Rouge- "Found you! Three down only a few more to go."
Back to Chloe and Viperion
Viperion smiled at Chloe and pushed her bangs behind her ears. "What if they find us?" Chloe's asked whispering. "Don't worry I got my second chance." He says winking at her. "Well that would be cheating" she says jokingly.
Rena Rouge- " I hear talking behind the stairs." Rena Rouge starts heading for the stairs and Viperion and Chloe start panicking. He crouched her to the floor and covered her into his chest. The stair case was pretty dark so the lower you were the harder it was to see people. Rena Rouge approaches the stairs but saw no one.
Rena Rouge- "I could have sworn I heard voices near here."

Finally it had been 20min and she finally found everyone except Chloe and Viperion.
Chat Noir- "Okay where are those love birds hiding?"
Viperion and Chloe couldn't stop giggling.
Ladybug- "I think I found them." She says pointing at them in the stair case.
Rena Rouge- "Ok you guys were actually good at hiding."
Viperion- "Well it's a lot more fun and easy when you have a partner." Viperion says looking a Chloe,
Everyone- "ouuu"

Everyone helped clean up and everyone left. Chloe and Viperion stayed behind.
Chloe was at the edge of a railing Chloe you can't fall in love, he deserves someone better. Your just a person who puts a fake face, you'll end up breaking his heart.  She thought while shaking her head. She was in denial and trying to convince herself that she didn't like him. She knew the truth, she knew she liked him, but she had to end it before she got to far in. Viperion saw her at the railing shaking her head.
Viperion- "What's wrong queen?" He asked.
Chloe- "I can't love you." She said not even believing herself.
Viperion- "And why is that?" He asked smirking.
Chloe- "Because I'll break your heart..."
Viperion- "What if I break yours?" He said jokingly. She was clearly in love with him and loved that he was so innocent. But she had to act like she had no interest.
Chloe- "No one breaks my heart." Chloe was speaking the truth, no one could break her heart. His smile soon faded and his face turned to stone.
Viperion-  "We'll see about that, but nothing will ever stop me from loving you." She loved him so much, she loved that she was comfortable around him and that he was to pure. She'd have to end her investigation on finding out his identity. Deep inside he was always going to be Chloe's hero. But she just couldn't...

Author: (Did y'all see the miraculous season 4 spoilers. Like no Luka you belong with Chloe 🙄✋)
(Word count 1647)

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