Child Shinobu

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Hiii!! Before you start reading please correct me if there is any mistake (grammar error or dictation error)
This one shot requested by AnonymousWisper
And here you gooo~
Author's pov

"My children, Giyuu, Shinobu , I am sure you will defeat the demon, both of you can leave now . "Oyakata sama said with his gentle tone

"Thank you Oyakata sama , we will take our leave now." said Giyuu and Shinobu in unison.

Shinobu's pov

"So Tomioka san, we are in a joined mission again, can't we get along?" I said with my usual smile.


"Ara~Ara~ Tomioka san, are you ignoring me?"I said with an annoying tone and a tick mark popped on my forehead.


"That's why nobody likes you,Tomioka san"
I said with my teasing tone.

"I'm not-"

"Disliked by people? Please any answer but that" I cuted him off.

"We are here.." said Tomioka san.

"Let's go eat something before the sunset"
I suggest, and Tomioka san just nod in response.

We went to a restaurant and ordered our food, you know, Tomioka san of course ordered salmon daikon, I ordered udon.

After we finished our food we explored the place until the sun was almost set.

"Hahaha I have some food today, oh? Two hashiras? If I killed you I'll become an UPPER MOON-" before he can finish his sentence his head was cuted off by Tomioka san.

"There is another demon..." said Tomioka san.

"I know.." I said.

Then there was a demon standing behind Tomioka san and was about to hit him, but he dodged the hit.

The demon went to me and tried to kill me but I dodged.

Then , the demon kicked a stone towards me I was about to dodge until the demon came from nowhere and hit me.

Tomioka san came and sliced his head while the demon's attention was on me.

(Author: I can't write battle scenes)

Then Tomioka san went to help me getting up from the ground , but I was to short when I stood up.

Tomioka san's eyes widened.
"'re a child?!" Tomioka san said with his usual tone but there was a hint of surprise in his tone.
I looked at him with a confused look on my face"what?!"I said and then looked at myself, I was a CHILD?!.

"I will get you to your estate"

"Thank you otou san(dad)" I said with a teasing tone.

"Don't call me that.." he said with an annoying tone.

"Haaii otou san!" I smirked.

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