Giyuu's Day!

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Peaceful...that was what he felt laying under a wisteria tree...just like that day


"To~mi~o~ka~sa~n!!" Her sing song tone with her poking his shoulder caught his attention, he tilted his head to look at the figure of the woman,

"What do you want, Kochou?" He said blankly, not paying much attention to her,

"Happy birthday, lonely Tomioka San!" He rolled his eyes, knowing that she's not here for anything but annoying him.

"Who told you?" She giggled

"None other than Oyakata sama~" she said with her sing song tone,

"I see," he sped up his peace,

"Ara? So you don't want the treat I prepared for you?" she said with a fake disappointed tone, well.. he wasn't interested.

"I have to eat all the salmon daikon by myself.." she said walking away,

He posed...salmon daikon? It's his favorite, he turned to look at her, without knowing what to say, she was already looking at him,

She giggled, "come here, you won't regret it" she smiled, he just nodded and followed her.


"Is it delicious?" He nodded, while she giggled at his childish face, wiping some rice off of his cheeks,

For a while, she felt as if he was something important, some child who needs to be protected,

"Take care of yourself, Tomioka san" did she said that out loud? Guess so, according to his confused face,

She giggled, "that's why nobody likes you~" she stroked his hair with her fingers, he grew more confused, which caused her to laugh,

"I'm...I'm not hated be people..." she posed, then giggled, pinching his cheek,

They both thought



He reached for his cheek, remembering her touch...
He laughed..

It felt nice and peaceful around her...

But she's not there anymore...

Sometimes...people realize their feeling, but .. it's when it's too late...

"I miss you..." he smiled sadly,

"Ara? Alone as always?" Her voice echoed in his head, he laughed,

"Give me an answer please~ at least when I'm dead" he opened his eyes, only to be met by a pair of lavender purple eyes


She gasped dramatically, "you dare to forget me?!" She then giggled

He was admiring her, he missed her giggles, he knows that was his imagination, he knows she was dead long ago, but he wishes that this will last forever, he wishes to at least meet her again, just once more, he wishes he told her about his feelings,


Why does this feels so real?

It feels so warm

He was happy

He had a chance to meet her once more

"Earth to Tomioka san, can you hear me?" She giggled, pinching his cheeks,

He hold her hands, "Kochou.." she looked at him smiling, a real one, not like her fake smiles,

"I guess.." she smiled, waiting for the next part

"I guess, I love you" everything went black...

"Too late Tomioka san.."

-The End-

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