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Hello guys! Long time no see!  So uhh.. I know it has been awhile since I last updated and I'm sorry for that, I'm bad at talking sorry
Enjoy the chapter!
Words count:2216 words!

shinobu's pov

Ugh!! I'm sick of being a princess!!! I know l know, being a princess means that you can always get what you what, but I want FREEDOM!!! And why can't I get it? Simply cuz my father always says
"You can't go outside the palace without your guards, otherwise you'll get hurt or maybe worse"

I don't understand how kanae and kanao can live without going out...
BUT!! I am kochou shinobu! The second princess!! And I'm going out!

And so I did! So now I'm here outside the palace walls in my brilliant disguise which is a simple light purple dress, a simple brown cape to hide and a pair of white shoes, I'm pretty curious about the guards...why didn't they follow me?

Anyway... hmm where should I go first? The coffee shop? The clothing shop? The desserts shop? I didn't eat breakfast yet so I think the bakery is fine.

On my way to the bakery I thought there is someone stalking me, I turned around but there were some people from the city and nothing werd, I shrugged it off and entered the kamado bakery.

I ordered some pancakes with honey syrup and butter on top of it and ginger tea, I finished my very delicious breakfast and decided to go to the clothing shop.
GREAT!! Now I'm lost!! Brilliant shinobu!!!
Don't worry you can find your way to the clothing shop!! I tried to calm down myself which was very helpless.

"Hey, are you lost?" Said a stranger voice

"Huh?! N- no- I mean yes!! No! Wha-?" I jumped and was about to punch them in the face but they reacted quickly and swiftly stopped my realy weak punch.

"Calm down miss, I'm not going to hurt you"
I opened my eyes to see a good looking guy, he has a messy midnight black hair tied up in a low ponytail, mysterious deep blue eyes yet they were soft, a sharp jawline accompanied with flawless, snow white skin, his strikingly handsome features were soft yet plagued by an emotionless mask.
He was wearing a white shirt, black pants with hangers and a pair of black shoes.

I was lost in his eyes until-


"I- h- HAI?!"
He chuckled at my reaction which caused me to blush slightly and turned my head to look at something else.

"My name is Tomioka Giyuu, I thought you were lost"
This name...I think I've heard it somewhere..

"I- "
You can't tell him that you're the second princess kochou shinobu!!

"I- I'm s- sano?" Seriously? A question?

"Sano?... you have a beautiful name!"
His voice was soft yet deep and strong, there was a hint of confusion in his tone tho.
I swear he was about to laugh about god know what.

"Thank you! Umm, could you help me please? I- I lost my way to the clothing shop"

"Yeah no problem! I'm going there anyway"

"Thank you again!!"

In the clothing shop, Tomioka san was just following me and that creeped the shit out of me.

"Umm..why are you following me?"

"I thought accompany you is better than leaving you alone, you're not from this city, right?"

"Y- yeah..."

"Is it your first day here?"


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