Princess |part 2|

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Hey guys!! Sorry for making you wait this long, but all of this is the school's fault!!
Whatever. Enjoyyyy!!!!
Words count: 1132 words!
Shinobu's pov

"Wake up, lazy girl" I opened my eyes to see my friend, Aoi, my personal maid

"So you started running out without telling me?" She said laughing


"Get up, now" she's mad?


"What?" I stared at her

"No there's nothing, but I heard that the king will allow you to rent an apartment.."

"Really?!!!" I asked excitedly

"U- I mean, really?" I acted depressed

" Shinobu- it's dangerous...your sisters are worried...I am worried... what if something unforgivable happened to you?" Oh..

" Aoi trust me, I have a good friend out there, don't worry! I'll visit every day"
She's still worried

"He's a man, his name is Tomioka Giyuu, he's capable don't worry!"

"Tomioka Giyuu?" She asked, then smiled softly, "then, there's no need to worry, yeah?"
I'm confused "yeah yeah!"


"Sorry!! I lost my way:)" I lied
I was wearing a simple white dress with a brown belt, and white sandals.
He was wearing a black shirt with dark jeans, and white shoes

"Why are you here?"


"...never mind"
Ok, I don't trust him, he's starting to creep me out

"There are lots of films that I want you to watch, my apartment?" He asked, what now? He wants to cook me? Don't be silly, shinobu

"No I wan-"

"I insist"


"where do you want to go?"

"Oh! The amusement park!!"

"Not gonna happen"

"And why?"

"'s getting dark" I mean, yeah but everyone goes to the amusement parks at night or something

"That's not an excuse" I was confused

" stay here, I'll go to the restroom" I nodded, huff! He can't look me in his apartment- unless he wants to- no shinobu!!! Tomioka san is a good man!


"Yes?" I tilted my head to look at the girl

"Umm the man that was sitting here, is he your boyfriend?" Huh?

"N- no" I don't know why, but my heart beats faster. Her face lit up

"Oh! Does he have a girlfriend?"

"No?" What's wrong with her?!

"I have a chance!!" She whispered

"He's gay" I don't know why, but the thought of him being with a girl made me annoyed

"Heh?" I'm forcing myself not to laugh, her face is just-

"He's here!" She whispered again before running away

"Oh Tomioka san!" He nodded

"So.. you want to go to the amusement park?"

"Y- yes"

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