Shinobu's Birthday!

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Giyuu's pov

Sigh...I really miss her... her laughters, her smiles, her voice, even her pokes.
I entered my house, and heard the voice of my wife singing to our child.

"Welcome home hun!" She said the moment she noticed me, a genuine smile creeped to my face.

"Shinobu" I greeted her with a hug, she giggled then asked, "what is it?"

"I missed you" I told her nuzzling my nose in her cheek.

"Ara~? Is that so?" I hummed in response.

"You're acting childish, sweetheart~" I just smiled admiring her scent.

"Happy birthday"

"Eh?! It is my birthday already?!" I pecked her lips, then hugged her tightly.


"So what?"

"Do you want your present?" I smirked at her.

"Wha- what kind of presents is that?" She blushed hard, I guess she began to have dirty thoughts~
What a noughty girl.

"Guess it."

"Umm...something like um- you know?" I smirked again.

"No I don't know" I acted innocent.

"Y- you know!" I laughed at her face, and she just started hitting my chest with her small fists, cute.

"Nah it's just this" I carried her then got out of the room to the garden.

"Kyah!! Giyuu!! Put me down!!"

"So do you want the other present?"
Well.. I am dirty minded, can't blame her for blushing this hard.

"Idiot!!" She bit my cheek and I giggled.

"Here we are!" Her confused face made me laugh again.

"It's not funny, and what's wrong with you laughing all the time? I mean, don't laugh at me!" She pinched my nose.

"Ow" I giggled, she rolled her eyes.

"Happy birthday, butterfly" I put her down and pecked her lips.

"Now where is my present?" I smirked.

"So you really want it, huh?" She huffed.

"Just say it! Say that you didn't bring me a princess!" I cupped her cheeks

"No cutie! I brought you something" she smiled.

"Then hurry, Yushino has to go to bed" she kissed our son's forehead.

"Alright, close your eyes" she obayed.

I pulled a box with her favorite cake inside and something you will know it later.

"You can open your eyes, sweetie" she opened her eyes witch landed on the box.

"What's inside ?" I shrugged and handed it to her.
She opened it and her eyes lit up.

"Aww!! Thank you! I was thinking of-"

"I'm not finished yet" I handed her a smaller box.

"Oh-" she handed me the cake and Yushino who's surprisingly is still asleep.
She opend the box and smiled, it was a blue necklace, well, Mitsuri helped me picking it.

"It's beautiful" she looked at me, I stared at her lovingly.

"I love you" I told her

"Yeah yeah, I love myself too."

"Just say it back" I sighed

"It back" I facepalmed.

"Just kidding, I love you too my Giyuu" she hugged me while giggling.

"Now let's eat the cake and go to sleep" she took the cake and left to the kitchen.

And they lived happily, I can't end this!! So I'll stop here, anyways-
Happy birthday Shinobu!
See ya!


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