z e r o

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May 10
11:35 P.M.

I knew it was getting bad when I couldn't wait for it to rain
I knew it was getting bad when I started taking showers at night
I knew it was getting bad when I no longer wanted to speak to the people that I loved most
I knew it was getting bad
and I wish I could've stopped it before realizing that I wanted to
sleep and never wake up again

9:25 A.M.

I walked through the halls of Hogwarts, sad frowns etched on every face I had passed. There's a girl crying in the corner, sobbing recklessly. I heard what had happened. The schools most beloved, Violet Sinclair had killed herself last night. I knew who she was, I had spoken to her on different occasions but most of them had ended in me pressing my wand against her throat and almost doing the deadly deed myself.

Her death did not concern me.

I scoffed as I passed all the weeping students, making my way to my defence against the dark arts class. I took a seat at the back of the class, hearing others talk about her death made me roll my eyes. pathetic.

The chair next to me had squeaked, "did you hear?". I turned towards Malfoy, his eyes had a hint of red. He had been crying as well. "Yeah, I heard. Sorry for your loss" I speak but it comes out emotionless. Draco was good friends with her and I almost felt bad because of how much I didn't care.

"Y'know I used to date her, yeah?" I nod my head. "Well... like... kind of."

I'm not sure why he's still talking, I'm already tired of him and his presence.

"I mean like... We didn't really date. But we fucked a lot." I sigh and get up from my seat. I'm not really sure why he's talking about how they slept together when she was also his friend. If my friend just died I know I sure as hell wouldn't be talking about how I fucked them.

"Where are you going, Riddle?"

"Back to my room"


"Tell Snape I don't feel well. I'll see you later." Before he can respond, I'm out the door. I don't really care about what i'm missing anyways. I'm really not in the mood to hear about Malfoy and his shags with the dead girl.

I enter my room and head straight to the bathroom, I feel odd. I'm not sure why i'm feeling the way I do because i've been surrounded by death my whole life. My own father was a mass murderer who had taught me to be a man like him. powerful and superior. I look at myself in the mirror. I look too much like him.

I splash cold water onto my face, hoping it'd make me feel less sick. Looking up at the mirror I immediately jump and grab my wand, turning around to face a strange looking man.

I point my wand at him and shout, "Who are you? How'd you get in here!"

He raises an eyebrow at me and then smiles. I immediately cast the cruciatus curse at him but it doesn't affect him. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, trying again.

"Settle down, Mattheo. It won't work."

"What? Why? Who are you? I will kill you with my bare hands if I have to!"

He chuckles deeply and takes a step towards me. "As hard as you'll try, you won't be able to harm me. I am an angel sent from Heaven, Mattheo Riddle. And you are a very special person."

I shake my head, this must all be a dream. It's all in my head. He is not real.

Wake up, Mattheo. Wake up.

"This is not a dream. This is real. Mattheo, you need to listen to me,"

My eyes are squeezed shut and my hands are near my ears, partially squeezing my head. I feel like I'm going insane. He comes over to me and takes my hands away from my head before I can injure myself.

"You have been given a task."

I look at him bewildered, "what?"

"We know you are not the most pure human, Mattheo. In most cases, a man that has done as many bad things as you would be immediately sent to hell once you have passed. But, something strange has happened and we know you are not as bad as others think. You are aware of the sudden passing of Violet Sinclair, aren't you?"

I feel like I'm about to pass out. I wonder if Malfoy somehow tricked me into consuming a potion earlier. I nod my head, nonetheless.

"Violet was never supposed to die so early, Mattheo. You need to understand this... You have been chosen. In exchange for a spot in heaven when you die, you need to save Violet and her life in 10 days. If this task cannot be completed, you will live the rest of your afterlife in a scolding hell."

"I'm sorry, what? What the fuck is happening. How would that even work? How is this even real?"

"This type of stuff happens often in our world, Mattheo. There are more people like you, you're just not aware. You are not obliged to tell others about your mission. That will not end well for you if you do."

I think for a moment. Although I find Violet absolutely insufferable, saving her life for an eternity in heaven would be a lot better than spending it in hell with satan, my mother, and my father. Besides, saving her life doesn't mean I have to make her love me.

"Why 10 days?"

"10 days is how long it took for her to decide that she wanted to end her life."

"Oh." I almost feel bad because I remembered I had called her a whore a couple of days before she had killed herself out of annoyance.

"We will take the world back 10 days, Mattheo. You must complete this mission before time runs out. Violet didn't deserve to die."

My eyebrows raise, "you can do that?"

"How do you think Deja vu works?" He smirked. I give him a small smile.

"You have a good heart, kid."

and with that, he dissapears and I am magically laying in bed, like I just woke up from my sleep. I immediately get up and open my room door, stopping a kid who is just walking past, "Hey, what day is it?"

"May 1st"

I'm 10 days back in time.

How to disappear completely ; Mattheo Riddle {Mattheo Riddle AU}Where stories live. Discover now