d a y o n e

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"it is both a blessing
And a curse
To feel everything
So very deeply"

May 1
8:10 A.M.

It's getting bad again.

But today is Florence's birthday so I have to be happy for her.

I look to my right and see her asleep, her arm is hanging off the bed and her leg is stretched out. A smile creeps up onto my face as I get up and poke her face with my finger. She groans, mumbling a "let me sleep" and I kiss her cheek.

"Happy birthday, Florence!"

She opens one eye and grabs my neck pulling me down on top of her, making us both giggle.

"Thank you, Vi."

I look up at Florence. She is truly so beautiful. I wish I was as beautiful as her.

"Do you think Snape would care if I was late?" I laugh at her question, not bothering to answer. "Wow. I can't believe it's my birthday" I get off of Florence and make my way to my dresser, pulling out my uniforms skirt and blouse. "We're all officially 18" I say smiling.

Florence gets up from off her bed and begins to change as well, "Soon we're all gonna be graduating and we're gonna move on with our lives. I want to work at the ministry, what about you?"

I don't want to tell her that I'm not planning on being here for much longer so I say "I want to work at Hogwarts. Not sure what position though". She hugs me from behind, "I think you'd be a great potions teacher. You've always been the best at that."

There's a knock on our door so she lets go to open it, "Happy birthday!" Lorenzo and Draco yell. She squeals in excitement and hugs them both, "Thank you boys! Now lets get going so I can eat!"

8:20 A.M.

She's here.

She's real.

She's sitting with her friends in the great hall, laughing at something Berkshire had said. She's sitting across from Malfoy which gives me a reason to go over there. I walk towards them, my stare never leaving her. Clairmont notices me and lets my presence known by saying "hubba hubba hottie alert" which makes me look at her strange. Violet turns towards me and her smile fades, "Really, Florence?" she mumbles.

"Hey, Malfoy." I say, sitting beside Violet. She looks at me weird, "What do you think you're doing?" she asks. I don't look at her, I just look at Malfoy and ask him "what's up?"

8:22 A.M.

He has a stupid smirk on his face and I just want to slap him. Just a week ago he had his wand pressed against my neck, threatening me because I accidentally knocked over his book. "Excuse me? Earth to Riddle? Are you deaf?" I ask. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow so I repeat my question, "I said 'what do you think you're doing?'"

"I'm just talking to my cousin, that's all." He shrugs his shoulders and smirks at me.

"Okay, but who said you could sit beside me?"

Mattheo just looks into my eyes and sighs, "I don't get why everyone loves you, Violet". My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I scoff, "what?". There are a couple of other slytherins around us that are eavesdropping, so Draco looks at Mattheo and shakes his head, "Don't, Mattheo".

"No, Draco. I want to hear what he has to say," I look back at Mattheo, "say it."

"Fine. For someone that everyone raves about, you sure are stuck up." He mumbles, and I can hear the eavesdroppers laughing at his statement. A girl near Mattheo giggles and says to her friends "she's not even all that."

Florence pats my back, "Violet, they-"

I stand up from my seat feeling humiliated and embarassed, "Please don't, Florence". I can feel the tears building up so I leave the great hall as fast as I can. I don't want to go to class anymore, so I head to the astronomy tower instead.

M A T T H E O 
8:26 A.M.

I turn to the girl next to me who had made the comment about Violet, her hair was a dirty blonde with strands sticking out and a crooked smile was plastered on her face as she looked at me. She opened her mouth to say something but before she could I had grabbed her by her collar making others around us wide-eyed. "Mattheo!" I heard Draco yell, "Talk about Violet again and I will hex you." I snarl.

She's the same girl I saw crying over Violet's death.

8:38 A.M.

I stand near the ledge.

Four years ago I would be able to stare at the scenery in front of me and feel infinite, but right now, I can't feel a thing.

I could do it now, I could pitch myself off of the astronomy tower and end my pain at this very moment, but I haven't said goodbye to Florence yet. I haven't said goodbye to Enzo or Draco.

My foot glides against the railing, and for a moment, I almost do it. That is until someone grabs me, pulling me backwards. My body hits someone else's but my head hits the hard astronomy tower floor. "Ow!" I rub the back of my head as I look at the person who had pulled me.

"What the fuck, Mattheo!"

He looks startled, his chest heaving. "Don't you mean 'What the fuck, Violet!'? You're a little too close to the edge there, don't you think? What are you trying to do? Kill yourself?"

I stand up from the floor, "I'd rather throw myself off of here than speak to you". Mattheo scoffs and I turn to look at him, he's about to make a snarky remark back but instead, he closes his mouth. As if he realized that I wasn't necessarily joking.

Silence takes over for a few moments before he speaks up again, "Violet."

8:43 A.M.

I was sent to save her life, but instead I almost made her kill herself even earlier.


She's not facing me, but I know she's crying. I walk towards her, my arms wrapping around her from behind. Surprisingly, she doesn't try to stop me. I'm not too sure how to comfort people, nor do I like it,

but i'll try for her.

How to disappear completely ; Mattheo Riddle {Mattheo Riddle AU}Where stories live. Discover now