Chapter 2

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Elias's POV:

I come home from the barn in a fairly good mood, Ben is progressing way faster then any of us expected.

Of course that good mood is quickly shut down after one glare from father, but today was still a pretty good day.

I head upstairs to my room and pretty much just collapse on my bed. As much as i'm starting to like Ben, he's still a pain in the ass to ride. His idea of fun seems to be seeing how many times he can get me off each lesson.

The new MSET kids are pretty tiring, they never stop talking about how great they are. I guess the other MSET members do that to, but i'm used to them, so it's a bit more tolerable. The only one who doesn't brag is Kehlani, but she doesn't really say much anyway.

Although, something about her did seem kind of off today. She was just as closed off and reserved as usual, but the look in her eyes seemed different.

They had that look that i'm all too familiar with.

She also looked pretty shaken up.

Marsha was tearing her up pretty bad though, so thats probably what that was.

She was acting normal though, so everything must be fine. 

Plus, her life seems pretty perfect and i doubt that she has many problems.

I pull out my phone start scrolling through my fyp page, just the normal dumbasses doing stupid shit and people dancing to Megan Thee Stallion.

Then a video of Kehlani pops up. She's doing one of the trending dances, but that isn't what catches my eye. 

It's her smile.

At a first glance it looks happy but when i watch the video again, it looks forced. Like making a tiktok was the last thing she wanted to do.

I click on her profile and notice that she looks like this in almost all of her recent videos, even the ones with her friends. 

Why is she making all of these videos when it's clear that she doesn't want to?

Maybe she's trying to make money as an influencer, she does have enough followers to be on creator fund.

That's probably it.

God Elias, why do you always have to make a big deal of the littlest things.


The next day...

I get to SJVHC at around 5:30 AM the next day, just like Marsha said to so that we can get to the show on time.

" Hey Elias, hope you slept well." Marsha says, " Load your horse, then double check to make sure that you have all your tack. We're leaving in 10."

I nod my head and head down to the barn to grab Ben.

He looks annoyed that i'm taking him away from his food, but his mood quickly improves when i grab a hay bag on our way to the trailer.

 I load Ben into the second trailer stall, Kehlani having already loaded Roan.

Brenna loads Boots after Ben, followed by Weasel, Creamsicle, and Frog, Marsha's horse.

" Elias, Kehlani, you two are going with Seline in her moms car. Brenna, Ann, your with me in the truck." Marsha instructs.

I internally groan, Seline might be hot and a good rider, but shes not that good of a person if you actually get to know her.

" SHOTGUN!" Seline shouts, having already hopped in the front seat.

Hopefully she'll find something to do other then talk, being social is just about the last thing that i want to do right now.

I see Kehlani walking towards the car, her silhouetted figure barely noticable in the dim morning light.

I clamber into the car and open the other door for her, getting a muttered " thanks." in reply.

I pull out my phone and hook up my airpods, preparing for the long and most likely silent ride ahead. I'm not really sure what to do though, i scroll through tiktok, instagram, and snap, as well as check to my messages to see if anyone texted me, but my attention keeps on wandering to the girl seated next to me. 

I never really noticed Kehlani until a couple of days ago, when Roan went full on bronc with her and she managed to stay on. It's not that i'm an ignorant person, but Kehlani has a way of being able to go by un-noticed and un-observed. Well i guess i can be kind of ignorant sometimes, but that's not the point here. But even if i can be ignorant sometimes, ( not all the time, note that) Kehlani is still a master of staying under the radar.

I wonder if shes a serial axe murderer that escaped from prison and is wanted in 38 countries.

Nah, axe murderers don't really seem like the kind of people that just slip by. After all, it seems hard to sneak up on people if your holding a giant axe.

Or a thief sent on a mission to steal the emerald of truth or something like that.

Maybe she's like a undercover FBI agent or something, that seems about right.

I honestly have no clue where my thought train is going. Kehlani definitely isn't an axe murderer, thief or FBI agent.

Or is she?

Not sure if you could tell, but i am currently running on three hours of sleep and 5 cups of coffee.

I look up towards Seline and notice that she's also on her phone, then i look over at Kehlani and see that she fell asleep.

I go back to flipping through my phone and finally settle on some music before i feel something on my shoulder. I look and see Kehlani's head resting on my shoulder, pig-like snores coming from her mouth.

Should i push her off? 

She looks so comfortable though.

I'll just let her sleep.

Her hair smells nice, kind of like marigold.

I feel myself starting to drift off, it can't hurt to take a short nap, right?

Not even a minute later, i've completely passed out.

Not at all aware of the fact that i'm using Kehlani's head as my pillow.


So heres the second chapter of Roan! 

Sorry that there weren't any horses or much action in it, but next chapter is the horse show, so things should be a bit more exciting.

Thanks for reading!

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