Chapter One

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We pull up to SJVHC ( San Jose Valley Horse Club), and i wrestle my sweater on before stepping out of the car and into the pouring rain. 

" Bye Mom!" i call out as trudge up the path to the stable.

She just starts the car again and drives away.

 I continue walking up the path and as i approach the barn, i notice that everyone has already started grooming their horses, i walk past the older MSET group and grab a halter from the rack as on my way down to the barn.

Heading to Roan's stall, i notice that Martha is standing not to far away from it.

Situations like this never end well.

Maybe if i just act like i'm not here then she won't notice me.

But Martha catches my eyes and glares. 

"Your late." Martha scolds as i walk up to Roan's stall.

" Sorry." I respond, keeping my head down.

 "  Hurry up and get Roan ready, if you aren't in the arena within the next 15 minutes, then you can't ride."  She informs me.

Thankfully, it seems like the trainer of terror is in a good mood today.

I just nod as i slide through the stall gate and put Roan's halter on, he nuzzles my hand looking for treats.

" Sorry bud, i don't have any right now." I tell him.

He eyes me skeptically, but goes back to his hay when he realizes that i'm not hiding any treats.

 I quickly tie him up in his stall and rush to grab my groom bag from the tack room. 

I rummage through my tack spot and find my groom bag. I grab it along with my bridle, helmet, and sport boots.

Less trips to make later.

 As i'm walking back towards Roans stall, i accidentally bump into Elias and my sport boots fall into the mud.

" Shit." I mutter, " sorry." 

He mumbles something incoherently before walking away.

Believe it or not, that's Elias being nice, he usually just glares whenever someone bumps into him.

I feel sorry for whoever ends up with him.

Shaking all thoughts of Elias off my mind, i turn to the stuff that fell.

I pick my boots up out of the mud and try to wipe them off, but it just spreads the mud. Oh well, i'll wash them later.

I rush back to Roan's stall, being a lot more careful this time, and start to groom him in a hurry.


15 minutes later, i'm walking up to the arena with Roan trailing not to far behind me.

" Go warm up in the pasture, there isn't room left in here." Marsha instructs. 

I nod my head and trudge into the mud pit that the pasture has become. I start with groundwork before i lunge Roan, he seems like he's in a pretty good mood today, just lazy as always.

" Good boy" I whisper to him when he lowers his head and takes the bit without any trouble. I double-check my  cinch and stirrups before getting on.

" Hey Lani." Anna says entering the pasture with her horse, Weasel.

" Hey." I respond

I start my warm up with circles at a walk, jog, and an extended trot before working on collection and stops. Roan's got an okay stop on him, it isn't the worst but it definitely could use some work. 

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