Chapter 3 - Jeff

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Maybe love does exist in this world. Look at Ethan Hall. He smiles wider, his face happier, his entire body more relaxed. I have known this guy since we were teens. And yet... I never saw him like this. Is he Ethan Hall or an imposter? The woman who is standing next to him, Madeline Parker soon to be Hall is the source of all the brightness in him. Crazy... he is crazy in love with that woman. I should say she is pretty and has a nice body, her aquamarine eyes are unique. But how does a man like Ethan Hall fall to her feet like that? Potion! Must be a love potion.


I turn around and find a pair of violet eyes. Dean Eisler, my brother. He is sporting blonde hair that is disheveled with some hair product. I never see him less than handsome. No, not handsome, he can make all the men shamed with his ridiculously good look.

"Mr. Eisler. Can I have a picture with you?"

He chuckles. "Sure. A hundred bucks for a selfie."

"Fuck you," I say and he laughs.

Dean lives in LA. He comes to NY to visit us, or sometimes when he has to attend functions. His late mom, Gloria Eisler, was a supermodel in her era. I saw some of her pictures. Beautiful is understatement for her. She is enchanting. I faintly remember her, because she died when I was 9 or 10. And unlike Ocean who often went with Dean and Gloria to any Hollywood set all over the world, mom never allowed me to go with them.

Actually mom loathed that I'm close with my half siblings. She hates them and their mother. But I'm not. They are my siblings and I love them. But I always try my best to tolerate mom and her antique. After all, she is my mother.. just like now.

"Dean, my mom is on the way here," I say to him with a smile and try my best to minimize my mouth's movement.

"Shit!" Dean curses.

"10 steps away."

"Bye Jeff." Dean just walked a step when dad called him.

"Fuck me," he says and I have to stifle my chuckle. My siblings don't like my mom, it's not a secret. And dad.. well, congratulation on him for winning the most fucked up dad ever. I still remember back then the teacher asked everyone in the class to share about their father. Ocean and I said that we don't know our father that much to share anything. The teacher wasn't surprised at all, turned out Dean did the same back then.

"Mom, dad," I embrace them.

"Evening aunt Eleanor, dad," Dean says, following me and embracing them.

"Are you coming alone, Jeff?" Mom asked me.

I nod.

"Well, I saw Danica Westfield also came alone tonight," mom says. Ugh..

"Danica and I are friends, mother."

"Well, but she is from the Westfield family. Or Belle Fox?"

"Belle is with Landon, mom," I say just to make my mom stop pushing Belle to me. Leave the poor woman alone, mom.

"Of course. Or maybe you can reconnect with Elaine Mayfield. She just broke up with her--"

"No mom, thanks. I'm here to attend Declan's wedding not to find a wife," I cut her.

"I know. But look at Declan. He is 26 and married. It's your time to marry too. Your grandparents from both sides wish to hold a great grandchild," she says in her dictatorial voice.

"Look at Ethan, he is 28 and still engaged."

"He is marrying his fiance in weeks, Jeff," mom says. I should've known better than argued with mom. Mom never wants to lose any arguments.

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