Chapter 43 - Liv

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Wow.. the restaurant is so nice and luxurious. I look at Jeff, he's holding my hands, leading me to his father's table. I thought we could talk before we left, but it turned out Jeff arrived at home just in time and we needed to go right away if we didn't want to be late for dinner.

He seemed so off these few days since the day I told him about his mom's visit. I hope he didn't confront his mom, we don't need that. All I need is time to make his mom see that I genuinely love her son. And I hope I can start it with his dad today. Last time I met his dad was in the hospital and he was okay with me. Or I think he is okay.

"That's my dad," Jeff whispers to me. I nod. I still remember Connor Goldreich. He is a handsome man even when he has all grown up children. But this time his face looks so forlorn and alone. I heard from Jeff that Connor and Eleanor are divorcing despite their more than 20 years of marriage. When I asked why, Jeff seid, "a lot of things happened that can't be fix. Maybe divorce is the best solution for them." And I don't peer too much on that since it's about his parents and their privacy.

"Good evening Mr. Goldreich," I say once we reach the table. Mr. Goldreich already stood up when he saw us a few steps before we reached the table.

He smiles and comes forward. I didn't expect it, but he kisses my cheek. "Welcome back to New York, dear," he says to me. Mr. Goldreich is still in his full working outfit while Jeff left his suit and tie in the apartment, he is only in his dark blue dress pants and pearl white shirt. And me, I'm in one of my dresses that Ocean chose for me. It's a sage green dress, with puffed short sleeves. Matching it with my white stilettos and white purse. I'm wearing my pearl earrings I got from Mrs. Miller when I graduated from uni.

"Thank you sir," I smile.

"Please, call me Connor. We settled that at the hospital, right?" he says nicely.

"Okay," I smile shyly and take our seat. We order the food, Connor Goldreich ordered the 5 courses menu, it's just right for us to order the same, or else it will be weird for us to have one meal while the waiter keeps coming to give him food after food.

Connor is a great conversationalist. He stirs the talk in a relaxed yet welcoming mood. He asks me about my life in New Jersey and my new work here, he also genuinely interested in my work at Water Bank, and also the story of how I met his son there.

"If it wasn't because of Liv, I wouldn't be here, dad," Jeff chuckles.

"Yeah, most likely you were eaten by the bear," Connor says, pointing Jeff with his fork.

I shake my head. "No, remember it was you who went to Bane's house and asked for help. Not me."

Jeff smiles at me. "But still without you I would be a lost puppy," he says and touches my nose. I smile shyly at Connor. It's one thing to have PDA, it's another to do it in front of your boyfriend's father.

"Then I think I should thank this Bane guy too then," Connor says.

"He was my boss back then, dad. I worked as a bartender there."

Connor chuckles. "You lost your memories yet you still know how to make drinks."

"And it tastes so good. He is talented," I chime.

"Well well.. you have to make one for me Jeff. It's not fair for you to make the drinks for people there but me," Connor says.

Jeff chuckles. "Will do, dad."

"By the way, Liv... What about your car? Anything not to your liking?" Connor asks me nicely. I look at Jeff uncertainty but he just gives me his smirk. Ughh this man!!

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