Chapter 26 - Liv

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I hug Jeff tightly. "I'm going to miss you," I muffle in his chest.

He hugs me tightly. "We will video call every day, okay?" He pulls back and looks me in the eyes.


"More than once a day."


"Narrate your day. Every day," he says, confirming what we talked about yesterday.

"Okay, Jeff."

"You want me to narrate my day too?" He asks.

"Of course!" As if he asks me if I am a woman.

He chuckles. "You didn't tell me to do so yesterday, Liv."

I frown. Did I? "But you should've known that I want to know about you too," I say in defense.

He chuckles. "Rules for you, my love. I want you to tell me.. no, demand me what you want. I don't want us to have a fight because of 'I thought you know or you thought I know'. Okay?" He caresses my cheek.

I nod and lean to his palm. It feels so good on my skin. Jeff smiles softly at me. He is so handsome, gentleman and sweet. A perfect boyfriend.

"I don't want you to be close to any woman. As in closer than friend," I blurt out. I can't help it.

He chuckles. "I promise you. I won't do anything that will make you insecure with me."

I nod and exhale, feeling a bit relieved.

"And promise me you won't go out with Luca Müller, except for your farewell party," he says seriously.

I chuckle and tiptoe kissing his mouth. "I promise," I say, feeling greedy with his protectiveness.

I was planning for a chaste kiss, but Jeff pulls me to him and kisses me senseless. I savour the kiss before I have to fly 6000 kilometres far from him.

"I miss you already."


I was sitting alone in Jeff's private jet. I should feel secure since Jeff shows nothing but his love to me. He is a perfect boyfriend. The best one even. But.. I still feel something heavy inside me. Especially when his mother's words keep ringing in my head. Will it be okay to ignore her.. threat? She looks so malice. And her hatred towards me is so obvious.

I still remember when we were in the hospital, I put my distance towards Jeff. I didn't lie to him that I felt like we were in different worlds. His world is so different from mine. His rich family.. Even though Ocean is so nice, so does her husband. Dean and Allison too, even Zac didn't do anything that makes me feel less than him, it was just his stoic face that looked so scary. But still, there was a panic in my heart that I won't fit in his world. That one day he will realize that I'm not worthy. When I found Bernard was cheating on me, I felt hurt, betrayed and angry. But I can't imagine if this happens to Jeff. I will feel... devastated.

And then before I could cooperate with that feeling, Jeff's mother, Eleanor, threw another bomb at me with her threat. I couldn't shake her words out of my head. I rub my forehead. What should I do? I can't tell Jeff.. he has a lot of things on his own plate now. And.. If I want to be his girlfriend, I need to try to warm up with his mom... maybe.. if that possible.

My phone rings. I look at and giggle. "Hi Jeff.."

"I miss you," he says without preamble.

I feel giddy. "It's just less than an hour we separated," I giggle.

"Are you implying that you don't miss me?" He asks, somehow I can feel he pouts like a little boy. An adorable one, of course.

"Um.. let me think," I tease him.

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