Chapter 14 - Liv

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I want a date with you.

I look at the window. If.. if I know for sure that J is single and available. I would have jumped with my sprained ankle right now. But no.. I can't.. I don't know whether he has a girlfriend back in New York.. and.. I don't want to be a bitch, it hurts when you find out your boyfriend cheats on you.. Trust me, I've been there.

But it's not cheating since he doesn't remember anything. You and him are innocent.

I know but still, I can't do that. How can I kiss someone when there is a possibility of hurting another woman.

So, what are you going to do with him?

I.. don't know..


Morning comes, I couldn't sleep last night (even though I faked my sleep when J came home and checked on me. He even kissed my forehead, It took all of me to not jump.

I sat down. Ugh... minor sprained ankle, my ass. It hurts so badly.

"Liv.." J calls, knocks the door.


"Can I come in?"

"Um.. yes," I say.

He opens the door slowly. "How is your ankle?"


He chuckles and comes closer to me. "Stand slowly. I help you," he says, giving me his hand. I take it and stand slowly. Ouch!

J puts my hand around his neck and his hand snakes around my waist. "Slowly," he whispers and helps me to walk. I look at him. He is so handsome and perfect. Not to mention his perfect body. Last night when he took off his sweater, Jesus! It's not fair how he still has his 6 pack? He must be secretly doing his sit up, pull up and whatever up it is to maintain his perfect body. How can I say no to this guy?

J puts me to the seat. "You okay?" he asks me. I look at his eyes. Since when his green eyes look so perfect?


I jump a bit and clear my throat. "Perfect.. I mean yeah.." Perfect, my ass.

He looks at me funny and takes a brown bag. "I bought some muffins," he says and spreads the muffins on the table.

"Thanks," I say.

He smiles at me and starts his breakfast. I take the muffin, just to cover myself while I'm ogling over him. It's all his fault. If he didn't say anything about the date, I could tame my lust over him. But now.. the lust is like a dragon trying to soar in the sky.

J seems clueless with whatever it is on my mind, because he is enjoying his muffin. And why does he keep licking his lips like that? Is he trying to seduce me??

Mind out of gutter, Olivia Holland!

Ugh.. So stupid.. I slap my face mentally.

"Um.. Liv.."

"Yeah?" I squeak,

He raises his eyebrows. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," I say, eating my muffin to cover the awkwardness.

He chuckles. "Um.. Liv," he says, looking at me.


"Do you have.. any plan for today?"


"Yeah.. Um.. tonight, dinner with Mr. Müller?"

"Oh.. do you think I can go with this?" I hold my leg up, the one that sprained. "Thanks to you," I fake my annoyance.

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