Part 3 match maker

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ᴛᴀᴍ's ᴘᴏᴠ
I didn't go to sleep after Biana and me ended the call I just decided to get ready for the day it was like 6:30 in the morning anyway.
I jumped into the shower with some music blaring out of this random trinket Dex had gave me he'd said it played human music I was currently listening to something called Achilles come down by gang of youths. I quickly got dressed and then went out into the living room to find linh passed out on the couch. It was 7:15 so I just let her sleep and grabbed a blanket to lay over her. I made some food and forced myself to eat something even though I wasn't hungry. I really had nothing to do with foxfire on a break at the moment and I didn't make any plans today. I know linh wanted to go shopping in Atlantis later as much as I hated it there it would give me something to do so maybe I would go with her. A few hours later I told linh I was going to go with her she was as shocked as I was that I decided to go and with that she shot up off the couch on to her feet.
"Where are you going" I asked "I thought we weren't leaving for another two hours"
"Your right we're not"she replied
"Then what are you doing"
"I'm making it a group outing" she said with a shy smile "look I know you don't like large social events but I had already invited Marella and Maruca so I thought I should just invite the rest of the gang so your not the only guy is is that okay"
"yeah it's fine I guess"
"Omg really your the best Tam and remember you totally don't have to stay the whole time leave whenever you need"
I sat down on the couch and was gonna ask who all was gonna go but linh had went into her room to use her impacter.
That's when I realized Oh shit she's gonna invite Keefe right oh no no no no wait pshh it's fine he's probably stuck at home because Ro wasn't him when he was here so he's gotta be stuck at home with Ro right?

ᴋᴇᴇғᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ
Impacter rang well actually it screamed courtesies of Dex of course I haven't asked him to change it though because my father absolutely hates it so naturally ya know I'm pretty fond of it. It's linh who's calling I pick up.
"Hey" linh say's Through the impacter.
"What's up" I reply
"Nothing much I was wondering if you wanted to come to Atlantis with me and the rest of our little group"
I was about to say no sorry I can't Ro has me on house arrest then send Ro a nasty glare but Ro leaned in
"Who's all going?" She asked giving me a wild look. Linh began to recite the name of our friends who would be joining us.
"Marella,Maruca,Fitz,Biana,Dex,Jensi,Tam and I oh yeah and maybe Stina but Sophie and Wylie couldn't make it toady."
"Well then that settles it we're going" says Ro as she stands up.
"Alright great" linh said "I'll see you in like an hour and 45 minutes" and she hung up.
I turned to Ro "I thought I was on lock down."
"Nope I never said that" Ro said examining her nails.
"But- you wait"
"No no but's I get to play match maker and that's final" I turned and stared at her.
"Go take a shower or something you smell and I can't have your hygiene getting in the way of me being a match maker"
So that was that I got in the shower and thought damn this is gonna be so awkward.

Hahahahaha sorry for not updating I kinda forgot I was even writing this my bad I been super busy with school and sports started back up for me and yes were covid safe wearing masks and what not. Anyways thank you so much for reading I love having a place to write down my crap. 

Also sorry that this chapter is a shorter then the other two I just don't have lots of time I'm sorry.

One last thing that really has nothing to do with this but your girl passed her final ELA assessment 💥💅😎 so um yeah I'm cool also I didn't listen to music this time so I have no music to write down.

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