There was mallowmelt and words to be had pt.2

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ᴋᴇᴇғᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ
"Oh yay we arrived at my beloved home.
How I've missed it." I said sarcastically turning to Tam.  "Good thing dear old dad isn't home it really is a pretty place when he isn't around.Anyways let's go In and eat."

Tam and I walked onto the porch. I went to open the door but Tam sat down in the porch swing. "it's nice out why don't we eat outside." Tam said. "I mean if your alright with that?" He continued. I raised my eyebrow at him in question. He just shrugged.
"yeah that's fine" I say pulling over the side table and taking a seat next to him.

"So-" I started.
"Nope no."
"Wait what I-"
"Nooo I'm gonna eat and enjoy my mallowmelt and then we can talk about all this."
"I- alright fair"
"Good." Tam said. And started to unbox his mallowmelt. I unboxed my mallowmelt to and sat it on table.
"I'll go it us forks" I said standing up. Tam nodded and I went inside. 

"so how's Lihn " I said returning with the forks.
"She pretty good. I think her and Marella are going out." Tam said taking a fork from me.
"Oh definitely" I said taking a bit of my mallowmelt.
"I know right?! She still hasn't told me though" he laughed. We went on like that for a few minutes talking about all are friends and their relationships. What can I say I'm a gossip. But as we talked we had less and less mallowmelt left and with that we closer and closer to what we were really here to talk about.

ᴛᴀᴍ's ᴘᴏᴠ
I only had a few bites of mallowmelt left so I thought I might as well start this conversation now and have food to shove in my face if gets to awkward. 
"So"I say taking a deep breath.
"So" Keefe replied. We sat there for a second in a odd silence. I didn't know what to say or even how to start this conversation.
"ughh come on Tammy boy we can't keep doing this awkward silence thing."
"well I blame you for all this" I snapped back.
"what me?!"
"Yeah you we wouldn't be here having this conversation if you wouldn't have left last night before I could say anything"

"Oh yeah just so you could reject me I really wanted to stick around for that" Keefe muttered.
"Oh my god Keefe aren't you an empath don't you know how I feel already?!?"
"Don't you think I've tried to see how you feel. Your freaking shade powers clog everything up you know that?! it's like trying to see in really fucking thick fog."
"Oh"I replied. I had no idea my shadows would effect things like that.
"Yeah and on top of that it's really fucking hard to read emotions when you can't get your own under control."Keefe said with a defeated sigh.
"I'm sorry that's unfair even if you are a empath I shouldn't just expect you to know how I feel and act accordingly."
"Ugh it's whatever" Keefe replied "but thanks" he said not hiding the relief and appreciation in his voice very well. Right then Ro turned the corner with her new exilers. She pointed to a tree by the water "I'm gonna go sit down there so you boys can finish up your conversation and that way if there is a threat I can still save y'alls sorry asses. Okay? Okay."
And with that she started walking down to the tree. I nodded so did Keefe. And then we turned to each other once more.

"Anyways-" I begin.
"No I think I've had enough of this conversation." Keefe said. paused and Then continued "let's just pretended like this never happened okay? Great he said turning away."

"God dammit Keefe!" I yell and grab him by the collar so that we're face to face.
He stares at me in awe as if he's the only one who makes impulsive decisions. I lean in so our faces are only six or seven inches apart and ask "can I kiss you?" The only thoughts in my mind at the moment are I hope this clears up how I feel to him and also what if he says no?

If anyone says tam asking to kiss him ruins the moment you can leave! (consent is sexy ask for it!!)

Sorry for the wait with the update I just couldn't find the time to write the next update we'll probably be and even longer wait. I'm thinking schedule wise I'll have one to two updates a month
I'm feeling a little so so on this chapter so please comment and let me know what you guys think.

Also sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger 😳🙌😜✨😬

You said "probably" I should have paid more attention Where stories live. Discover now