Bathe in the sun its good for your health

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ᴋᴇᴇғᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ

"Yes" I say. And with that he closed the distance. It wasn't like how you see people kiss in the movies ( Dex showed me some of the human tapes he had) like they've been waiting there while lives for it but more like a slow gentle thing. He was showing me the feelings I was sure he never had. He pulled away with a small smile and asked

"Did that show you how I feel?"then Continuing to quote me asks "or did my freaking shade powers get in the way?"
"I cover my face in my hands no I got that just fine" I reply
"Good" he says "So um-"
"Wanna go on a date with me?"
"Hmmm well that wasn't very romantic"
"Oh Keefe come on yo-"
"Yes I would love too" I smiled and I think this is the most complete Ive felt in a while. So I decide not to think to far ahead and just bathe in the moment. It truly felt like I was soaking up the sun. We talked and laughed mostly at how stupid we are and how long it took for us to get our shot together. And it feels great until Ro comes up

"your pops" is headed up" Ro informs us "and as much as I want to see his face when he find the cockroaches we left in his bathroom I somehow feel like that will end badly"

"Your right about that" I sigh knowing the sunny feeling is coming to an end. " that being said we better get out of here quick or think of some great small talk so I don't gouge out my own eyes."

But it's to late then because my dearest dad has spotted us.

"Son" he acknowledges.
"Ah dad how good to see you" I counter because no matter the words spoken it always feels like a debate. About who's better, who's more important, who's rules and some how I'm always the loser.

"What's he doing here" my father points to Tam acting like he's not even there.
"Oh I can't keep company now?" I question
"No I don't say that just keep better company" he says "you know the things they say about him"
"Keep better company huh? You know the things they say about you with the new of mom out right?" I reply smoothly. He face turns a furious color but I couldn't care. At that moment Tam stands.
"Well I will see you later Keefe." He says " I should be heading out."
"Oh alright I'll call you" I say. He then turns to my father and says
"I would say it's been a pleasure to meet you lord Cassius but it truly hasn't been." With that he walked of the porch and stepped in to the light a leaped home. Ro snorted at my fathers stunned face and I smiled as I collected the plates and went inside. Leavings my still stunned father on the porch.

Ro trailer after me and locked the door just for shits and giggles. But it didn't sound like my father should be joining us as I heard footsteps leaving the porch and just the familiar sounds of the waves.
"So I couldn't help but over here the words date" Ro said smiling though her teeth.
"No none of this I-"
"Uhh spill Keefe there is no way you aren't gonna tell me when I literally have to follow you around all day" she says " or do you plan to never go on said date?"
"Ugh fine. So..." I began.

One thing I feel like I need to clear up is the time line and I totally would if I knew what it was I feel like it takes place after nightfall but idk let me know if you have a better thought on that.

Also hehehehehe I'm back slay

Me: " Im back 🤪"
Y'all: " this bitch 😟"

Also have I read the new Kotlc no and am i going to no unless convinced otherwise so this is like an fyi that not everything will be accurate cause I stopped reading the books but thought I'd finish the fox anyways.

You said "probably" I should have paid more attention Where stories live. Discover now