Crashing dates & breaking laws

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Tam's pov
I had been three days since I stared planing and I think I've got everything put together. I only had one thing left to do and that might be the hardest part. And its maybe the reason I was putting it off for so long because if I can't pull this off then the whole date won't work.
"Hey Lihn" I call out into the hall.
" I'm going out to pick some stuff up"
"Okay" she called back. "Want me to come with you?"
"No no that's alright I should be back around dinner." And before I could hear her reply I shut the door.

I made my way to the Vackers house to talk to Fitz. I'm usually there to see Biana but he owes me a favor that I hope he will make good on. When I got there I was just praying it would go smoothly and that Alden wouldn't be home. Which he wasn't but what I wasn't expecting was to find Dex and Fitz together huddled over one of the handheld human gaming systems Dex has. So close to each other they were practically one person when only a few months ago they couldn't stand each other.

"Ahem" I interrupted making my presence known. They both looked up and their eyes grew to a comedic size before they were scrambling apart.
"Ahh hey Tam! What can I do for you?" Fitz asked. While Dex began to nervous whistle. Which made me stifle a laugh.
"Remember that favor"
" yeah I do" he said "thanks so much for that I'll totally pay you back for that" he continued trying to drop the hint for me to leave.
"That great!" I said with false enthusiasm "that's actually why I came" He looked back apologetically at Dex and gave in.
"Okay okay what do you want?" I paused for a second as it really was a big ask and not at all equivalent to favor I did for him but I needed this for the date to go anywhere.
" I need a leaping crystal to the forbidden cites" I said rather bluntly. Fitz just started at me with his mouth wide open and Dex started laughing.
"He really did you some favor if to pay him back you have to break like three laws" Dex wheezed while wiping away a fake tear.
"But that's the thing it wasn't a big favor" Fitz protested. "He literally just hide me with his shade ability's from some girls and my parents." That was true but I was gonna have to gaslight him and bullshit so much to get this leaping crystal.
"Oh well that doesn't seem like an equal repayment then" Dex thought aloud now that he was done laughing.
"And I suppose you know what it's like to use shade powers indoors. With overhead lights and widow walling." I began.
"Well no" Fitz replied.
"Well it's excruciatingly difficult" I lie. It may be difficult for someone with less experience then me but after being banished I've had a little too much experience. "And shall I continue?."
"No no I get it" Fitz says.
"What do you even want with it anyway?" Dex asks really paying attention now.
"Yeah if I'm gonna get this for you I want to least know why" Fitz chimed in.
"Wait Biana hasn't told you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Told me what?" Fitz asked.
"Will if you don't know then I don't know if it's my secret to tell." Because really when I think about Keefe and I never had a conversation about wether we are dating or just going on a date or wether he was out to anyone but Biana as I'm definitely sure he didn't tell his father.

"Will I don't want to get this for you if your gonna get yourself hurt or do something stupid." Fitz said seriously.
"I'm not really" I replied " I can't tell you but ask Biana and she will vouch for me I promise"
"And your sure about this?" He questioned.
"Positive" I say "it's really nothing of the sort of thing your thinking." I continued while I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. I almost went on before I saw a light bulb go off in Dex's head and- oh he knew he definitely knew. I sent him a look. He only returned it with a knowing smirk. I hate smart people.
"Alright if Biana vouchs for you I'll have it for you by tomorrow night."
"Great!" I say. "Can you drop it off at me and Linhs place?"
"Yeah. But you need to return it when your done."
"I will" and with that I turned to leave but just to poke fun at Dex for his smirk I say "have fun guys be safe" shutting the door just in time to see their faces turn a embarrassing shade of pink.

Tam shut the door and I couldn't help but ask "hiding from girls ay? Not very gentleman like."
"Oh shut up" Fitz replied. "Come on your helping me get the leaping crystal."
"ah how romantic I love our non traditional dates." I say "From junk yards to breaking the law."
"Well if we don't get arrested we can do something nice. Now come let's go see what Biana has to say." He said taking my hand and pulling me up. This will be fun I thought kissing his cheek.
And added "we don't need to ask Biana trust me." He gave me a puzzled look. But I continued "it's really nothing we were thinking."
"And how do you know?" He questioned.
"For one I'm just so amazing, perfect and brilliant secondly I'm just a people watcher and put two and two together. Even though it was a little unexpected with well never mind."
" your head is to big and I'm not just saying that cause your smart."  He said walking out the door.
"Hey! Wait for me." And that's how my second date with the famous Fitz Vacker went. Junk yards to law breaking I thought and smiled nothing we haven't done before.

Sorry it's turning into a Fedex story ......jk ik
Thought I wouldn't update till after finals because they have me feeling like:
AndI'm not 💞gonna👀let🐒anyone🏅get🤚I'm my🍄way 😊 *trips* ima😀 failure🥲
But here we are!

Let me know what other ships you want written in and I might do it. ( or not 🤩)

What else to say ummmm nothing really just remember this has no consistent update scheduled.  And I know that's a annoying but I only ever write when I'm sleep deprived and should have passed out hours ago.

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