The Wait

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Keefe's POV

We hadn't talked for a few days. And I couldn't help but think that Tam was backing out on the date he said he was planning. That was until I called Biana asking to come over and she eagerly agreed. But then remembered she had prior plans. I was going to tell her it's fine I'll come over later before she mentioned that Dex and Fitz were at the house. And honestly I'd missed Fitz so I went over but wasn't expecting to be met with
"Hey Keefe! Do you know why Tam wants a illegal leaping crystal?"
"For the forbidden cites!" Dex chimed in.
And then I was sure he was changing his mind. He was so embarrassed that he was literally going to hid out in the forbidden cites!
"Dex won't tell me and I've been guessing for hours" Fitz began. "And I know you and him have this weird rivalry thing so you stalk him or whatever and know everything. So why please whyyy?" Fitz asked clasping into an arm chair as soon as we were in the living room.
"I- um" what I thought first of all I don't stalk him and second of wait a minute. I sensed quite a huge feeling of smugness and when I looked up a saw Dex. And then he burst out in laughter.
"Omg it's not funny Dex!" Fitz practically wailed. But was sending a warm smile. Which I didn't let escape my notice.
"This is a new development." I say eyeing both of them. I decided if I don't want to deal with my drama I guess I can watch theirs. Toxic I know but it's really just pay back at Fitz who caused me so much drama. Would I trade it for the world no hes my best friend but do we need to be even yes.
"What is?" Fitz asked trying to communicate with Dex with his eyes. Clearly they hadn't had this conversation yet. I felt a little bad but not enough since I read all the emotions in the room.
"Um you two" I say.
"We haven't always been the best of friends but we are now" Dex said "not much to it."
"Oh well then" I replied sitting down by the coffee table. Faking a face of understanding.
"Yeah" Fitz added. "we've worked out our differences and now we're pals."
"Yeah! I can see that. I'm proud of you guys"
"Really" they both asked
"No." I deadpanned. "Helloooo! Empath here! With like heightened ability's or whatever"
"Ah fuck" Dex said.
"Not so brilliant now are you" Fitz teased.
"Whatever" Dex said rolling his eyes.
"Anyways.... No I don't know why he wants a leaping crystal! But can I have one too!" I asked.
"No getting this one is already illegal!" Fitz replied hastily " And I don't currently owe you any favors!"
"Yeah probably" Dex said at the same time.
"What?!!" Fitz asked.
"Well I was hoping that once Tam takes-....once Tam is done with the crystal he can give it to me and I can see if I can make a replica of some sort."
"Takes what??" Fitz pleaded.
"Ooh" I said.
"Dang it" Dex muttered. "Don't let him know I slipped up okay!"
"I won't" I smiled "but on that note.... When do you think that you'll have that crystal by?"
"Soon" Fitz said "but I have to give it to Tam immediately so no you can't use it."
"Haha I wasn't gonna ask that" I replied.
"Mmmhmm" Fitz said looking at me.
"Oh he wasn't" Dex said. Fitz turned to look at him still clearly out of the loop.
"Oh this is too funny" I said " anyways I'm gonna get out of here and let y'all get back to whatever you were doing." I said with a wink " have fun be safe!"


"Linh" I called into the house. "Are you home?? I need some help!"
"Yeah I'm in the kitchen" she called back. "What do you need help with are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine...... I just need some help umm planing a date." I said once I had taken a seat in the dining room just out side the kitchen.
"OMG" Linh squealed. "You asked him! No way"
"Ughhh" I cried. "Never mind"
"No no, I'm sorry." She said claiming herself. "What part do you need help with?"
" I actually have it all planned" I began " I just need so help keeping it a surprise"
"Okay fun! Continue" she added.
"How do you get someone to light leap to the forbidden cities without them knowing?"
"I'm sorry what?!?" She asked.
"Blind fold." Marella said nonchalantly. Walking out of Linh's room from across the hall.
"I- what- when..." I started.
"we can unpack this later." Linh said.
"Errr okay" I replied.
"Anyways" Linh continued "The blindfold is a good idea"
"It is" I said choosing to ignore whatever relationship my sister has. " I think I'll go with that. Thanks guys."
"Happy to help" Marella said raising a glass of water at me. I nodded and then retreated to my room to over think the rest of my plans and whatever that was.

"Well that went well yeah?"
" It didn't go bad" Linh replied. " I thought we weren't telling anyone yet."
"I know I'm sorry I didn't hear him come in" I said. "But I guess I'm kind of happy someone knows and it's not like he didn't guess."
"True" she said. " wanna go spy on their date I think it's tomorrow?" She asked with a grin.
"Oh I would love nothing more" I laughed.
"Great! don't tell  Tam but I know all about his plans and I already have a leaping crystal." She whisper giggled.
"Ahhhh Linh" I faked being scandalized. " you're so horrible.... I love you"
"I love you too" she laughed.

I updated no way! See you in a few months ig.
For real though my bad 😵

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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