Ch. 9 "Oh, hello"

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The tension in the room was thick. Everyone at the Volturi side was glaring at the Cullen side. Aside from Aro, Marcus and Felix. Aro looked like he enjoyed it, Marcus didn't care about it and Felix was more focused on Royalice. At the Cullen side, most of the vampires were glaring at the Volturi side. Carlisle was waiting on what Aro had to say. Esme was a person who didn't like voilence or hate, so she wasn't glaring at the Volturi, just offering a small smile towards the Three Kings. Renesmee and Royalice were just looking at them, all though the later was looking at the tall handsome vampire, who already looked at her. Rosalie looked like she was ready to rip some heads off. Emmett looked like he would enjoyed the fight between the both sides. Alice kept looking into the future to maake sure there came no fight. Jasper was busy to make everyone calm down a little. But Bella and Edward were sitting so that if there came a fight, they would make sure Renesmee and Royalice were gone as fast as possible. Edward was glaring at Felix for the thoughts he had in his mind about Royalice. Bella's hand was on Edward's should as of a way to say 'don't you dare.' Jacob was nowhere to be seen, Carlisle thought is was better if he was gone when the Volturi came. To have not too much tension in the rrom due to the presence of a shapeshifter. 

Aro stood up, getting the attention of the vampires. "As we all know, what happened a few weeks ago was a tiny misunderstanding." Royalice rolled her eyes 'Tiny misunderstanding my ass.' She thought. Edward smilled a little of his daughter's thoughts. Aro continued "And we would like to know more of the two hybrids.". The annoyed expressions of everyone's faces were seen, it made Royalice wanted to laugh. That they all agree on one thing and that is not wanting to be here right now. 

Carlisle noticing the tension cleared his throat, "Aro, why won't we talk in my study?" Aro looks at him, "Ah yes, what a good idea." Carlisle, Esme and the three Kings stood up. Carlisle led everyone to his study, leaving the rest behind.

As Carlisle and the Kings were going to talk in Carlisle's study, Royalice felt her throat burning a little. So she told her father she went to hunt. Royalice walked towards the door and opened it, she then speed ran towards the treeline. Not knowing that an certain vampire, who sneaked out, was following her.
Royalice was feeding from a deer when she heard a branch snapping behind her.
She looked up and saw a tall vampire standing near a tree. "Oh, hello." The vampire walked closer to Royalice.

"Hello." Royalice smiled at him. "I'm Royalice, as you already know." The man grabbed her hand and kissed the back off it. "Nice to meet you Royalice. My name is Felix." The man introduced himself to her. Royalice blushed a little, as she had never met a gentleman before.

It became a peaceful silence after the two had introduced themselves. The birds could be heard chirping, somewhere in the trees. Until "You have a little blood on your lips." Felix said, his hands pointing towards his lips, trying to show her where the blood was.

Royalice blushed again and tried to wipe it off, with no success. Felix saw her struggling and helped her out by using his thumb to get the blood of her lips. When he got the blood off with success he licks the blood off his thumb. Royalice watched as his face scrunched up in disgust.

"How can you feed on this?" Felix asks Royalice in disgust. "I don't know a few days after I was born they gave me animal blood. Since then I am feeding off animal blood." Royalice explained to Felix. "So you never had human blood before?" Felix wanted to know more about Royalice. By now they were walking in the forest to caught up with each other, not knowing that Edward is closing in on them.

"Well only when I was with Renesmee in our mother's womb." Royalice answers the question. She puts a strand of hair behind her ear, enjoying the conversation with Felix. She was about to ask a question to Felix, when a throat clearing letting both Felix and Royalice know that there was someone.
Royalice looks behind her to see her father standing there.

Royalice's eyes widened when she saw how angry her father was. "Dad" Royalice was cut off by her father, "Royal, go back to your mother." Edward said while controlling his anger. "But-" "Now!" Edward growled at her, Felix growled back at him. "Fine." Royalice sighed, she walked past Felix and went back towards the house.

Felix went to follow her, but was stopped by Edward. "Stay away from my daughter." Edward glared at Felix. "You know I can't." Felix smirked at Edward. Felix tried to walk away, but was stopped quickly by Edward. This time Edward had his hand on Felix's arm. "I mean it, come near my daughter again or else I will kill you!" Edward growled. " Like last time in Volterra?" Felix smirked, thinking about how he smashed Edward into the staircase in the throne room. Edward growled darkly and his eyes into a dangerous black color. Edward let's Felix go and walks back to the house, leaving Felix alone.

When Edward  came inside the house he found Royalice sitting next to Bella and Emmett. While Royalice and Emmett were talking with each other, Edward went to sit next to Renesmee. The door opens and Felix came through the door, Royalice looked towards him and gave him a smile. Felix being Felix gave her a wink, causing Royalice to blush and look down. Felix smirked at Edward and thought 'See, you can't stop me.' Edward glared at him.

Demetri, who saw everyting, had trouble to keep his laughter in and shook his head. Felix walked over to Demetri and sat next to him. A few minutes later Carlisle, Esme and the 3 Kings came back into the room. Caius was not looking happy, but when is he. "As you all know we came here to learn about hybrids. We have discussed that we will be staying for one whole year." Aro announces, with a smile on his face. The scowl on Caius his face deepened, like a child who doesn't get what they want. 


1093 words

Hey there, it's been a while finally got some inspiration to write about. I know it is not much 1093 words but i got some. I think i found the cause of the lack of inspiration, it is mostly because i don't really like the way i write. But i am doing something called 'self-love', i am not gonna hate my writing, i am going to love it.

I don't own Twilight, i only own Royalice and some of her lines.

See ya later!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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