Ch. 8 Meeting + I'm very sorry

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(This is a very short chapter, 464 words. Everything will be explained at the bottom of the chapter. I'm very sorry)

Today the Volturi would arrive, everyone was tense. Esme tried to clean the house,  to make the Volturi as welcome as possible. She pushed everyone to make themselves presentable. Royalice grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe. She looked up when she heard someone walking in her room. It was her sister Renesmee, she looked scared. Royalice gave her sister a little smile. "Hey Ren." Royalice says to her sister. "Hey." Renesmee says back. Renesmee went to sit on Royalice's bed, looking around. It was their father's old room. Royalice got it because of her growth during the last days. But Royalice stated that Renesmee could sleep also in the room.

"I'm scared." Renesmee says after a while. Royalice looked towards her sister. She dropped her clothes on her bed, while moving towards her sister. "It's okay to be scared. I'm also scared. But our family would do everything to protect us, alright." Royalice says, while taking her sister in her arms. "You promise?" Renesmee looks up from their hug. "I promise." Royalice says, looking down at her sister. "Now get dressed, grandma Esme says we needed to look presentable for the Volturi." Royalice says to Renesmee. Renesmee nods her head and runs of to find their mother. Royalice looks after Renesmee and lets out a shaking breath. "Were gonna be alright." She wispers to herself. 

Royalice starts to dress herself, her mind wanders to the tall man on the field. She felt connected to him, but she wasn't sure. Royalice tried talking to her family about it, but everyone shrugs it off. Or they said that it wasn't important. Royalice shakes her head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. She finished dressing and heads downstairs. 


The Cullens are waiting in the living room for the Volturi. Nobody knows how long the Volturi stays. And when they have seen enough or not. Alice tries seeing in the future for their arrival and Edward tries to listen to the thoughts of the Volturi. Suddenly Edwards head snaps up. He looks towards a direction of the front door.  Edward hears the thoughts of some guards, then the Kings and at last the rest of of the guards. 

The doorbell rang, Carlisle stoop up and walked towards the front door. "Welcome, Aro." Carlisle greets Aro, "Come in." Royalice sat between Emmett and Rosalie, and Renesmee sat between Edward and Bella. Carlisle walked up the stairs that leds towards the living room. Aro, Marcus and Caius after him. The four guards follows their masters up the stairs. As the guards came into the view of Royalice, she couldn't take her eyes of the tall man. But when she felt a nudge in her stomach, Royalice took her eyes of the tall man to meet the stare of Rosalie.


464 words,

I don't feel like writing anymore, I have no inspiration. One major writers-block. So I'll put this book on hiatus. But if I find the inspiration to write again I'll put a new chapter on this book.
I'm sorry for this, but first I need the inspiration to write again.

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