Ch. 5 Irina

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Everything was falling into place. Even the Volturi seemed to accept my new status. Though the'd want proof eventually. It seemed we had only one enemy left. Time. (Bella)

Renesemee and Royalice were growing up fast from looking like a few months old to a few years old. The Cullens were all worried about how long they would have them. It just made every moment precios. 

Renesmee, now looking 6 years old and Royalice, now looking 9 years old, were playing in the snow with Bella and Jacob and Seth in their wolf forms. "Look, a snowflake" Renesmee came to her mother to show a snowflake. "It's beautiful. Why don't you go get another with your sister?"Bella says to her daughter, stroking her hair for a few seconds. Renesmee runs to Royalice, asking her to play with her. Bella Jacob and Seth watches them, as the sister were playing with each other.

"Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something." Bella says to Jacob amd Seth while they listen. Bella watches her childeren as they leap into the air to catch some snowflakes, suddenly the see a figure off in the distance watching them. "Mommy, who is that?" Royalice asked her mother. "I think that's our cousin from Denali. Irina!" Bella calls to the figure. Looking visibly upset ate seeing Renesmee and Royalice, Irina runs off before Bella can speak with her. 


Back at the house, after Carlisle has spoken to the leader of the Denali Coven. He came in the room, "Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us." Carlisle starts calmly. "It looks like she changed her mind." Edward says. "Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her." Esme says, feeling sympathy for Irina. "Wish i could have spoken to her." Bella says. "She's family. She'll come around." Carlisle says to calm everyone down a bit. Royalice sits with her uncle Emmett looking at the sport magazines, when Edward starts playing the piano.


In Italy Irina went to the Volturi. She was being escorted to the Kings by Demetri and Felix. The door opens to see the Three Kings standing by a table were a lot of books were piled on each other. "What a pleasant surpirse." Aro said when he saw Irina walking through the doors. "What do you want? Hmm?" Caius asked Irina. "I have to report a crime. The Cullens... They've done something terrible." Irina tells them, this makes a Aro to shut his book he was reading and looks at her, he stands up and walks towards Irina. "Allow me, my dear." Aro says to Irina. Aro takes Irina's hand, seeing that the Cullens have created immortal childeren. "Oh, my." Aro says.


Back at the Cullens house, everyone is gathered and listening to Edwars play the piano when Alice has a vision of the Volturi coming to Forks to kill them all and drops the vas of flowers she was carrying. "What is it, Alice?" Jaspers says, rushing towards his mate, worried. "The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. And Irina. "Sweeties, come here." Bella says to Renesmee and Royalice. Bella hold them by there shoulders, scared. "Why?" Carlisle asks. 

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edwards looks at Bella and Jacob. "We were just walking." Bella answers the question. " Ness and Royal were catching snowflakes." Jacob says confused. "Of course. Irina thinks they are Immortal Childeren." Edward realizes. 

"The Immortal Childeren were very beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They coudn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation. Stories spread. The volturi were forced to intervence. Since the Childeren coudn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyd." Carlisle recounts the history of immortal childeren for Bella. "Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long-established covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families. Lost." Carlisle continues. 

"So the Denali's mother made an Immortal Child?" Bella asks. "Yes. And paid the price." Carlisle answers. "Well, Renesmee and Royalice are nothing like those childeren. They were born, not bitten. They both grow every day." Bella says. "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asks. "Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts." Edward says. "So we fight." Jacob states. "Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one can stand against Jane." Jasper says defeated. "Alec's even worse." Alice says. "Well, then we convince them." Bella says determined. "They're coming to kill us, not to talk." Emmett. "No, you right. They won't listen to us. But maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, you have friends all around the world." Edward states.

"I won't ask them to fight." Carlisle shakes his head. "Not fight. Witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we would convince the Volturi to listen. Esme turns to Carlisle. "We can ask this of our froends." Esme says. 


The next day Esme and Carlisle where in there room for packing and to gather as many vampires as they can. "At least we get to go to London again. We haven't been ther in a while." Esme says to Carlisle. When they were done packing, they went downstairs to see Bella pacing the floor. "Bella, what's wrong?" Esme asks Bella. "I haven't seen Royalice all night, i thought she was here." Bella tells Esme worried. "Everything is going to be okay, i think she went hunting." Esme tells Bella, to make sure she stays calm.

"All right. Let's get this show on the road." Jacob says. Jacob sees Sam walking up the house. Everyone went outside, Sam then handed Carlisle a note. "Alice asked me to give you that. She, Jasper and Royalice crossed our lands to the ocean last night." Sam tells everyone. Bella frowned why woudn't her daughter say anything. But she knew Royalice woudn't want her to worry. Royalice was with Alice and Jasper, they would protect her. 

"Carlisle?" Esme said to her husband. "They've left us." Carlisle told them, hard to believe it. "Why?" Rosalie asks. "She didn't say. "Can i see it?" Bella asks, Carlisle gives Bella the note Alice left. 

On the note was writen 'Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow stocks to the ground. That's when they'll come.' Bella reads it in Alice's voice. Bella turns the note around and sees that it's a page torn from 'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare.


1094 Words 

I dont own Twilight, only Royalice

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