Ch.7 The Letter

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Please look at the author's note.

Thank you and enjoy the story.


It was a day later after confrontation with the Volturi, the witnesses were leaving the Cullen's house. Renesmee was saying goodbye to each of them. Everyone was there except Royalice, she was in her father's old room. Royalice wasn't feeling herself, empty if you could descripe it. Ever she saw that tall vampire, she wanted to know why she had a connection with him. Royalice tried to ask who that was to her family, but the answer she got was no one. That the vampire wasn't important. That the best she could do is forget him, but Royalice couldn't do that. She didn't know him, but Royalice missed him, she wanted to hear his voice, she wanted to feel him and just look at him.


In Volterra where the Volturi's castle was, was a tall muscular vampire pacing around his room. He wanted to go back to Forks, to see her, to know her. Another vampire sat on a chair, reading a book. "If you keep pacing, you're going to ruin the floor." the vampire said, still reading his book. The vampire knew he was being ignored, so he sighed. "Felix." the vampire tried to get the attention of his friend. "What, Demetri?" 'Felix' said. "I'm worried for you, ever since we got back you've been like this." Demetri says, closing his book to look at Felix. "It's nothing." Felix lied to him. "I know you're lying, we have been friends for a long time." Demetri says. Just when Felix was about to say something, someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Felix says towards the door. The door opened and a guard came in. "Master Aro requests both of you in the throne room." The guard says. Demetri and Felix nod their heads and move towards the throne room.

"You've request our presence, Masters." Felix and Demetri bows, then stands and walk to their respective places. "Yes, I've consulted with my brothers and we have send a letter to the Cullens to say we are coming, and see the growth of their hybrid childeren. Just to see if they are truly no threat. So pack your stuff, because we're staying there for some time." Aro said, and dismissed them. Felix's face started to lit up, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Felix, i would like to speak to you. In private." Marcus speaks out loud. Demetri looks at his friend and walks towards his room. Felix followed his master towards his master's personal libbray.


In the Cullens house every member of the family was sitting in the living room, some were watching television, others were playing chess or reading books. It was quiet around them, no words were spoken. Everyone was just enjoying the peace. Suddenly a letter came on the doormat. Everyone looked at it, Edward stood up and walked towards the letter. He picked it up,

"Dearest Olympic Coven,

 i, Aro Volturi will come with my brothers and some guards to watch the hybrid childeren. We will be staying until we think we had seen enough. We will arrive next week. 

With kind regards, Aro Volturi."

 Edwards reads the letter out loud. Everyone was in shock, first Aro agreed that Renesmee and Royalice were fine and now he wants to come to the Cullens house to see Renesmee and Royalice grow. But they had no choice but accept it. If they didn't they would be killed, and no one wants that. 


The next week has arrived, Alice had a vision that the Volturi will be here tomorrow. Everyone has on edge. Edward especially, he had seen the vision on the battlefield and heard the thoughts of Felix about  Royalice. Edward didn't want his daughter mated to a Volturi guard. Bella looked at her mate and husband, she knew something was wrong. Edward has been acting strange lately, it began when they confrontation with the Volturi has ended. When people went to talk about the Volturi, Edward would be irritated. Bella had enough with his behavior, so she invited him to hunt with her.

It was quiet between the two. Bella didn't knew how to approach the situation. "I don't need to be a mindreader and i can sense you want to speak to me, Bella." Edward says to her, looking towards Bella. "Why are you so irritating about the Volturi? Yes they tried to find ways to kill us. And yes they weren't easy to convince. But i think it is about something else. What is the reason why you are behaving like this?" Bella asks Edward. Edward looks at her,  thinking about the next thing he was going to say. "Bella, when we were on the field a few weeks ago. I heard someone thinking about Royalice." Edwards starts. "Who?" Bella asks Edward. Edward didn't answer the question. "Edward! Who?" Bella warns him. "Felix, he was thinking about Royal." Edward sighed. Bella's eyes widened. "And that is not even the worst part, Bella. Marcus saw a mate bond between them. We're going to lose our daughter to them." Edward tells Bella, Bella couldn't believe it. Her own daughter with a Volturi guard. And then would the Volturi arrive tomorrow,  and her daughter would meet Felix. Bella wouldn't let that happen. "We have to tell the rest of the family. I don't want my daughter near him." Bella states. 

Bella and Edward ran back towards the Cullen house. They could hear the screaming of their two daughters inside, and two pair of feets running around. "Royal, you're too fast for me." They heard Renesmee whining. "Because i'm taller than you are." Royalice says towards her sister. "It's unfair. You're ageing faster than me." Renesmee says after a few seconds. Bella and Edward walked into the room, to see Royalice almost crashing into them. Edward and Bella quickly move out of the way. Edward moved quickly towards Royalice adn holds her, Bella doing the same with Renesmee, who came a few seconds after Royalice. "What is going on?" Bella looked at both her childeren. "Royal stole my ice cream." Renesmee says while pointing at Royalice. "Well you should have know, not to leave ice cream in front of me. I just love ice cream." Royalice defended herself. 

"Ice cream. That's the reason why you make a mess of the house." Edward says looking at them. "Sorry i eated you're ice cream." Royalice apologized to her sister. "How about both of you are going to your rooms in our house and stay there until one of us gets you." Bella told both her daughters. Royalice and Renesmee looked confused at their mother. "Why?" Both of them said the same time. "Because Edward and i need to talk with your uncles and aunts." Bella said to them. "Alright, Renesmee are you coming we're going to watch a movie. Your choosing it?" Royalice says to Renesmee, still confused. Renesmee and Royalice walked out of the room and towards their house in the woods. 

Bella sighed watching her daughters walking away. She turns toward Edward. "Let's get over with this." Bella says towards him. Bella and Edward are walking into the living room to see everyone already waiting for them. "Why do you need to talk with us, Bella?" Carlisle starts curiously. "We want to talk about Royalice." Edward says to them. Everyone starts to get confused. "Why? What about her?" Rosalie asks. "Edward says that Royalice has a mate." Bella begins. "That's great news. Who is it?" Esme says, happy for her granddaughter to have a mate. To have someone to and not to be lonely. "Felix." Edward tells them, irritating. And from that moment hell broke lose. "What!" Came from one side. "No, she is not mated to one of them!" Came from the other side. "They wanted to kill us!" Said someone else. From the whole family Esme was the only one who was quiet. "Edward, are you sure?" Esme asks Edward. Edward looks at her and nods. "It is true. I saw in Marcus his thoughts a bond between them." Edward explains. "We can always try and keep them away from each other." Emmett suggest. "We will have to talk with the Volturi tomorrow. And no were not keeping two mates from each other." Esme says to everyone. "But-" Rosalie starts. "No buts." Esme cuts her off. Everyone nods their heads waiting for tomorrow when the Volturi arrives.


1406 Words-

author's note

I just wanted to say i can't write with a schedule. I promise i will updat once a month. I will try more times but i can promise one chapter. It will be more chapters i think. My country is going into a lockdown. It is far too late, but yeah. Stay safe and stay healthy.

I don't own Twilight, only Royalice i own.

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