Chap 44

814 52 3

Sunoo opens his eyes widely, he can't believe what he just hear, is it true? Did Ni-Ki just called him...

-Don't imagine things. It's just because you're injured now so I just want to make you happy. Nothing else.

When Sunoo didn't get a chance to fantasy their future then Ni-Ki disturb through his mind. Sunoo got sad, but then quickly lays on Ni-Ki and continue sleeping.

-Clap clap.

Suddenly a voice came up. Hearing his attitude, it can't be anyone else but Jay. Sunoo frowned and looks at him.

-It's you again, third wheel.

-Thank you thank you. I did a good job at choosing the time I show up, am I right?

Sunoo rolls his eyes. Then he stands up from the couch and went back to his bed. Ni-Ki also stands up.

-How is it? Did you found 'em?

-Still nothing.

Ni-Ki frowned, who is the one standing after this whole kidnapping? Then suddenly his phone rang, he quickly grabs it and steps outside.

-I knew it...

-Knew what?

-Haha, not bad not bad.


Jay giggles and doesn't answer, he whistles and opens up a magazine. Sunoo doesn't have time to care about this jerk, he turns his face around to looks at the window. Then suddenly he puts his face near to Jay's, asks curiously.

-The thing you told me last it true?

-What thing?

-Aishh, it's the "good news" that you brought to me last time!!

-Oh I remember now. Maybe it's true.

-Then....why didn't you tell him?

-What do I get for telling him?


-If you were me in that moment, how would you decides?

Sunoo stopped, then he push himself back on the bed. Jay rest his chin on his hand.

-But....your reactions did made me very surprise. (jay)

-Why are you surprise? don't get mad.

-I don't want to waste my time for such unnecessary feelings....


Sunoo looks at Jay, smiles evilly.

-....I prefer to take revenge.

 Jay replies to him with a curious look. Then he holds up his magazine and keep reading.

Ni-Ki steps in, his face shows that he's clearly unhappy. 

-What happened?

-We'll have to go eat with mom and dad tomorrow afternoon.


-Yea, 30 years anniversary.'s gonna be fun!

Sunoo's eyes sparkles. He loves such anniversary like this. Ni-Ki sighs, what should he do with Sunoo?

-Okayyyyyy.....LET'S GO!!!!!!!

Sunoo excitedly shouted, Ni-Ki quickly blocks his mouth.

-What the heck are you doing?? You are sneaking out of the hospital without permission and now you're shouting, do you want to get caught?

Sunoo smiles, Ni-Ki shakes his head and start the engene (it's engine btw). Then he pressed the gas pedal and rides straight to the heart of the city.

Because all of Sunoo's clothes is burned down, so he didn't have a suit in his closet that he can wear, so he asked Ni-Ki to drops him off at the shopping center to buy a new one. And here's the result. It is obvious that we'll need a fake patient to pretends that it's Sunoo, and the one who received this important role is........(drums playing).....Jay.

Ni-Ki parked at a parking lot nearby. Then they got out and walks through the most famous shopping mall in the city, it is also the biggest one.

-This one looks good. 


-What about this one.


-Then what about thi....

-Also ugly.

-Hey can you just respect me? I'm asking you seriously.

-And I'm answering you honestly.

-Then go and pick your own outfit.


Like that. They went to every single store, but they bought nothing. Plus they're just arguing in the stores so it eventually scares the customer away. And they didn't even notice, or care about.

Last store.

Sunoo walks out from the changing room. He's wearing a light blue suit. It looks like it's blue but it also looks like there's purple. 

Ni-Ki rubs his chin and stares at Sunoo, then he nods his head. Now Sunoo is not in the mood for a mirror selfie anymore, he so tired that he could just lays down and falls asleep immediately.

The way from the store back to their car is so longggg. Sunoo frowned and unwillingly takes small steps when Ni-Ki's just chilling and going in the front. 


When Sunoo can't hold it anymore, he stands there and shouted to Ni-Ki.

-Piggy back ride please.


-My leg is injured.

-So what?

Sunoo got super mad. Ni-Ki gives him a "friendly" smile and keeps walking. But then he suddenly heard the running behind his back, so he turns around and saw Sunoo "flying" to him with a unbelievable speed for someone that got injured on their leg. He runs towards Ni-Ki, and jumps on him, his legs crawls around Ni-Ki's waist and his arms is wrapping around Ni-Ki's neck.

-Piggy back ride, now.

-Get down.


-This crazy godzilla, get downnnnn.


After a while arguing and struggling he can't make Sunoo left his body. Ni-Ki gives up.

-Okay whatever, now you have to come down first so I can piggy back ride you.

-Come down to let you run?

Sunoo smirked, then he climbs from Ni-Ki's chest back to his back. ( back to his back? This sounds weird duh).

-Oh my godness what did you ate? You're so heavy. (hence the name "piggy" back ride.)

-Be quiet.

-You kicked me in the stomach.

- I told you not to moveee.

-Aaaaaa you pinched my eyes!!!!!

-Aish sorryyyyy



-Phew...okay, hehe. Let's go!

After a while Sunoo successfully climbs over to Ni-Ki's back. Now Ni-Ki looks so pathetic. This hair is messed up, his eyes turned red because Sunoo pinched it, his neck also turns red because Sunoo crawling into it. Because he complains and shouted to whole entire time so now he don't have the strength to say anything anymore. Now he's trying to comfort himself that he can make revenge at anytime.

(enhypen sunki) when I was seventeen  (author : @winkookie1986)Where stories live. Discover now