Birth of Carnos

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Brainy: Ahahahaha! Viz zis army creator machine, I can finally take over America! 

Stealthy: Not if we have anything to say about it! 

Brainy: Vha-? *gets punched* oof! 

Woolly: hmph *grabs him*

Bucko: *shoots the machine  with a rocket launcher* 

Brainy: Nein! Mein maschine! 


Cops: *puts Brainy in the car* 

Brainy: zis isn't over, you hear!? I vill alvays be back plotting!

Stealthy: I'll take it from here, guys.

Cops: you have 5 minutes. *walks off* 

Stealthy: Doesn't it get boring trying to take over America on your own? 

Brainy: Nein! All ze vork zat I have done in ze past vill finally be vorz it once I take over. 

Stealthy: pppffft, that's never gonna happen. I mean think about. Of all your creations, none of them stopped us from stopping you. You're on your own, man. You can't win on your own. 

Brainy: I-....*thinks: He's right. I've been doing ze same zings over and over viz no prevail.*

Stealthy: Even if you managed to escape, we'll still stop you. We always do. Anyways.....Auf weidersehen.  *walks off* 

Brainy: tch, wise-ass. 


Brainy: *turns on his hidden lab* Anozzer day, anozzer miserable attempt to take over America. *takes off his lab coat and hangs it*

Eddie: *sleeping on a desk* zzzzzz....

Brainy: Vhy am I not surprised? *pushes Eddie off the desk*

Eddie: !! *wakes up and yawns*

Brainy: *sits on the desk and puts his head down, sighing*

Eddie: Hey, Boss. Lemme guess, another failed attempt? 

Brainy: ja. Now go avay and let me brood in peace. 

Eddie: But boss, I got good news. I just created a machine which-

Brainy: *thinks: Zere he goes again. Anozzer one of his attempts to impress me.*

Eddie: So what do you think?

Brainy: I vas not listening. So go avay! 

Eddie: You know...*grabs a chair and sits by him* You always told me that you were the best Scientist Germany has to offer during WW2. But now I'm not seeing it. 

Brainy: *rolls his eyes*

Eddie: What would General Rex say if he were to see you like this? If he were to see you wasting your life brooding instead of trying to revive the Carnivores. 

Brainy: Nein! Don't bring him into zis! He vould-

Eddie: Be disappointed. So many soldiers died in the war, only you survived. And yet here you are giving up. How displeased the general may be.

Brainy: *growls* fine! You vant to impress me viz your invention!? So be it! But I varn you....If it is anyzing zat I consider stupid....I vill personally end you. 

Eddie: *gulp* u-understood. *stood up and walks to a blueprint* My machine is a cloning device. What we could do is clone someone good and skillful and turn them into our side!

Brainy: and pray tell who zis someone might be? 

Eddie: one of our enemies. All we need to do is get one of their DNA and we got ourselves a clone. 

Brainy: hmmm...! I got it! Eddie, you've just outdone yourself!

Eddie: ! Oh my gosh! Thank you, sir, thank you! I could just hug you! 

Brainy: Get ze hell out...

Eddie: okay. *looks down and walks out* 

Brainy: *grabs his files* Stealza, Stealzy, Voolly, Bucko.....! Bucko! Zats ze one ve need. He's deadly and gruesome. Ze perfect clone from a perfect soldier. *looks at a painting of General Rex* I promise you, Mein Furher. I vill somehow get you back and soon...ze Carnivores vill once again reign supreme! *calls Eddie* Eddie, I have found ze one person ve need to make a clone of...

Hours later

Eddie: It was hard, sir. But I got it! *shows a scale from Bucko*

Brainy: Good vork, Eddie. You're ze greatest assistant a scientist can ask for! *grabs the scale*

Eddie: well, gee, thanks a lot, sir-

Brainy: shut up and let me focus! *puts the scale in the machine* How long vill zis take? 

Eddie: about an hour, sir. 

Brainy: perfect time for some pizza. *walks off*

Eddie: *follows* Can I get cheese, sir?

Brainy: sure, vhy not. 

Hour later

Eddie: that was some good pizza, sir. 

Brainy: agreed. *unlocks the Machine* 

Carnos: *walks out of the machine* I?

Eddie: ! *hides behind Brainy* 

Brainy: wunderbar! It vorked! You, mein friend, are perfection. Destined to serve the Carnivores....To serve me. Eddie!

Eddie: y-yes sir? 

Brainy: get zis man some clothes...and ze bucket. For ve shall call him....Carnos. 

Eddie: right away, sir. *runs off* 

later on, Carnos has been causing mayhem in the town. Brainy's plans are coming along well. With Carnos on his side, the protectors of Woodenville are having a hard time stopping him....eventually. 

Species: rat
Bio: an aryan and a lab assistant of Brainy.

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