the fall, and the rise

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  There Stealthy was, panting, covered in blood of the old grandmaster, standing before him. So many thoughts were rushing in Stealthy's head as he was gripping the blade tightly. How can he explain this to Scarlet? How can he explain why he killed her father. That's when Scarlet came running into the scene. Shocked to see Stealthy standing above the corpse of her father, raged fueled her.

" do?", Scarlet asked calmly, clenching her fists tightly.

"I...I-", but before Stealthy can find words, Scarlet rushes to him and slammed him into a wall, pinning him with her sword close to his neck.

"What did you do!?"

Few days ago at the residence of the Hooktooth family, Stealthy was seen playing his video games carefree. That's when Stealtha came along with a few mails. "This one's for you, bro." Stealtha said as she handed Stealthy his mail. "Thanks." That's when Stealthy opened it up and read it. It was from his girlfriend, Scarlet. " looks like I'm needed in Japan. Care to join me, sis?"

"Whatever she has going on over there is between you guys." And that's when Stealtha walked off.

"Can't argue with that. I shall leave soon then."

It took a few hours, but Stealthy finally made it to the airport of Japan. There he met a long time friend, Que. "Took you long enough." Que said as he was looking at his watch sarcastically. Stealthy chuckled and pull Que into a hug. "I missed you too, bastard." Que blushed and immediately pulled away. "Ahem...this way." Stealthy chuckled and walked off with Que. "No need to show me, Que. Pops already showed me the way." Que sighed. Of course Que knew who Stealthy was referring to as "pops."

"It would be wise to address him as, 'grandmaster', Stealthy. Show respect where it's due."

"No offense, bud, but it's already going to be awkward with him being my father in law soon, hehe. What am I gonna do? Call him grandmaster my whole life? Nah, pops is good and easy."

"Don't say I didn't warn you..."

Later on they arrived at the clan. It still bothered Stealthy a bit seeing young children train in such harsh training. Especially since he's planning on raising a kid of his own. As they walked by, Que took notice of Stealthy's discomfort. "Tsk still bothers you, huh?"

"I know I was raised in combat...but this is harsh compared to what I've been through."

"They're trained to be perfect ninjas, Stealthy. Sorry our philosophies differ from yours..."

"That's the problem, Que. They're not weapons."

Que shook his head and continued on. Later on they finally met with Scarlet and the grandmaster. "Stealthy, it's nice to see you again. Thank you for coming." Scarlet said as she gave Stealthy a hug and kissed him. " what's this about? Another run in with Tanaka?" Stealthy said as he cracks his knuckles. The grandmaster chuckled, amused of Stealthy's eagerness to fight the Tanaka clan. But no, it would not be that reason. "Walk with me, boy." Said the grandmaster. And that's when he walked off. Stealthy was confused and a bit nervous. He turned back to Scarlet to see what's up. She just gave a nod and Stealthy decided just to go with it. "I understand that your love for Scarlet is pretty high. And I am appreciative over the fact that you take care of her and respect our way of life."

"Well, po- I mean- sir, I was raised to be a well mannered guy, eheh." Chuckled Stealthy as he rubs his neck nervously.

"I see...Stealthy I wanted you to walk with me because I want to take the time to teach our ways of life. To teach you what it means to be a Kumo and a have a rightful place here...perhaps someday you'd do well as a grandmaster."

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