Metal Jaw

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It was a normal day so far. A lion family can be seen picnicking near a forest. There's the son lion, the mother lion, and the big strong father lion. Unbeknownst to us, the father lion is gifted with his super strength and fighting abilities. He is a world champion boxer that has been known to knock out huge boxers such as Goliath, "the heavy hitting triceratop." Or T-wrecks, "the destroyer." A well known Tyrannosaur boxer. Yes, the father lion is not to be underestimated. As the parents were setting up their picnic, the son lion was playing around with his tiny red ball. While playing, he noticed something or rather someone in the woods nearby. As he was looking, the ball he was playing with rolled away from his reach into the forest. "Huh? ball!"The son lion cried. Before he could get it, the father lion stopped him.

"No worries, son. Your old man can get it for you, heh. Don't want to lose you. Darling, watch our son 'til I get back." And with that,  walked off into the woods. "But what if big monster there?"the little son lion said. His mother smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, my son. Your father is a tough man. Heh, if I were a monster in the woods, I'd be scared to see your dad."


The mother lion chuckled and nodded. "Really, really."

Meanwhile, with Father Lion, he finally found his son's red ball. "There you are, you little rascal. How many times are we gonna lose ya?" As he bends over to pick it up near a tree, drool suddenly falls on his head. "Eh?" He looked up to see a very large meat-eating dinosaur. The dinosaur seems to be in all black, with a black sweater on and a black sweatpants on. His body is orange with big red eyes and a salivating mouth with sharp teeth. "You know,'s been awhile since I've had lion's meat." The beast said, drooling more. "Who even are you?" Questioned father lion. The beast smirks. "Boston! But please, call me Metal Jaw. That's my prison name!"

"Well, Metal Jaw, I've fought your kind before. You don't scare me." The father lion then put the ball in his pocket and gets in his boxing stance. "Show me what you got."

Metal Jaw then smirked, thinking to himself, "This is an easy meal." Back to the mother lion and son lion, they are already eating some food. "Mommy, it's been a long time for Daddy to find my ball." The son lion said. "I know, honey, but we got to be more patient." Suddenly, the father lion's scream can be heard.

"Th-that sounded like d-d-daddy."

"Harold? Harold!?" The mother lion called. With no other choice, she grabbed her son and ventured into the forest, looking for her husband. "D-do, you think a m-monster got him?" The son lion asked scaredly. "Of course not....I hope not." The mother lion then called for her husband while looking around, but to no prevail. As she went deeper into the woods, she suddenly stepped on something wet. Shaking, she slowly looked down, only to see she's stepping in a pool of blood. She gasps, and as she starts to look around, body parts of her husband can be seen everywhere. She grabbed her son and placed him down.

"Mommy, what are you doing?"

The mother lion then bends over and starts to vomit. As the son waited, he turned around to see a huge leg. He looked up to see Metal Jaw, smiling at him with his bloody lips and meat stained teeth. "Hi there, mister! Have you seen my daddy?" The son lion asked. As the mother turned, she screamed at the sight of Metal Jaw. Metal Jaw smile widened as he bent a knee, kneeling to the son lion. "I have not, little cub. Heh, tell you what, though. If I see him, I'll make sure you'll be the first to know." With that, Metal Jaw suddenly coughed out the father lion's mane in front of the son. "Ehehe....oops."

"Stay away from us!" Yelled the mother lion as she grabbed her son and backed away from Metal Jaw. Before Metal Jaw could do anything, he heard police sirens nearby as well as a helicopter. "Grrrr....consider yourselves lucky!" And with that, he ran off.

Later on, the police arrived on the scene, questioning the mother lion. A triceratop cop was questioning her while writing on a notepad. "Mhm...mhm. I'm sorry for your loss, Ma'am. If it helps, I'm actually a really huge fan of your husband." The mother lion rolls her eyes. "That doesn't matter right now! My husband is gone, and I want the one who did this to pay!" The triceratops adjusted his tie and gulped out loud. "But of course, Ma'am. Anyways, what species is the killer? Herbivore? Carnivore? Bit of both?"

Before she could answer, the police were interrupted by Mr. Guy. "Mr. Guy, head of the CIA. I'll take it from here, officer." Mr. Guy then showed his badge. The triceratops nodded and walked away. "I am deeply sorry for your loss, Ma'am. But I need your help to bring this criminal to justice. Can you identify him by one of these pictures?" Mr. Guy showed 5 pictures of 5 convicts to the mother lion. "Him! He's the one!" The mother lion cried as she pointed at Metal Jaw's picture. Mr. Guy then sighed heavily, knowing already who he's dealing with. "Excellent..."

After the questioning, Mr. Guy went inside his car and called someone. "Yes, it's me again.....yes, he escaped again. Mhm... thanks....yeah, okay, bye." Mr. Guy then hung up the phone and started his car and drove off.

Meanwhile, a female hawk wearing a pink sweater and blue jeans with red sneakers was flying up above, searching for Metal Jaw. It was the daughter of the superhero, Air-Strike, who was tasked to find Metal Jaw and apprehend him. "Hopefully, I have enough time to study after this." She thought to herself. She then spotted Metal Jaw down at a small cafe. With that, she quickly swooped down.

"Metal Jaw!" She yelled as she opened the doors. "I am Erin. Daughter of Air-Strike. I'm here to take you in."

Metal Jaw looked over his shoulder towards her and smiled. "So daddy's scared to face me himself. He sends his daughter after me? Go home, kid. Before you get hurt." Metal Jaw then looked away, sipping his coffee.

Suddenly, before he even had a sip, he felt a gush of wind blowing to him like a heavy, windy day. As he turned to see what it was, he saw Erin next to him.

"Guess we gotta do this the hard way. " Erin then grabbed Metal Jaw and threw him throughout the building. She floats him, eyes glowing a bright blue. "You're coming with me either by peace or by force."

Metal Jaw slowly gets up from the rubble and drops to his knees, groaning. "All this time....your dad has been holding back?"

Erin smiles and handcuffs him. "As am I. If we didn't, you'd be mush." And with that, she took him back to the headquarters where Metal Jaw would be held.

Stay tuned as the next chapter will have Metal Jaw in therapy explaining why he is the way he is.

More on the way

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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