Rebirth of Carnos

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A/N: Thanks to TheUnknownRC6 for allowing me to use his oc, "Sophie" the Fox. 

Eddie's POV/ flashback: 

Brainy: I vill be joining ze CIA now. I figured if I gain zeir trust, I can easily break zem from ze inside out, vhich vill eventually lead me to take this town, und before you know it, America! It's ze perfect idea! Now zen....*grabs his bags* I vill be heading out now. Eddie's in charge. So treat him vell! Auf wiedershen! *walks off* 

That was the last thing he said before he left. I of course cherished the idea of being in charge over Sophie and that monstrosity, Carnos! But uh, things did not go well for me. I'm just gonna cut it short and let you read what happened to me....

Eddie: Bitch! 

Sophie: *kicks him* 

Eddie: !! *groans and falls down, holding his stomach* 

Sophie: If Carnos was here, he'd show no mercy to you after calling me that. 

Eddie: W-whatever. *gets up* 

Carnos: *behind Eddie* 

Eddie: ! *gulps and turns around* 

Carnos: *twists his head backwards* 

Eddie: !! *gurgles* 

Sophie: ! 

Carnos: *pokes the body as it falls down* 

Sophie: O-oh my. Now I feel kinda bad. 

Carnos: Well, you did say I would not show mercy, which I totally did no-

Sophie: I know what I said! 

And with that they left to Hawaii. I knew that fox girl was a bad influence on Carnos from the start! I never did liked her....How the fuck am I alive? Well, Brainy has created this thing called a, "Respawner." It instantly revives you from the dead. So I guess no going to Hell for me. 

Eddie: *gets revived* !!! *gasps and wakes up* S-son of a bitch! *feels his neck* 

I did not tell Brainy of Carnos...yet.....Reason why is I thought Carnos would eventually come to his senses and come back. I just hope he killed that damn fox! So for the time being...I fixed around the place, you know, just cleaning, and doing whatever Brainy asks me to do. I often would pretend that Carnos is doing something he's supposed to do whenever Brainy asks about him. But few months later, I had to come clean....

Brainy: *appears as a hologram* Hehe, I have great news, Eddie my boy! I have successfully gained Mr. Guy's trust! Ze dummkopf actually bought it! I still need to vatch out for Stealza and her family...I know zat zey suspect me being bad still....Anyvay, vhat be ze matter?

Eddie: W-well, sir...*wipes sweat off his forehead* Y-you know about Carnos and that f-fox lady, right?

Brainy: Ja.....

Eddie: *whispers: They're gone....*

Brainy: Vhat? Speak up, Eddie!

Eddie: They're gone, Sir! *starts crying* C-carnos killed me and he insisted that he and the girl left to live at Hawaii! 

Brainy: Vhat!? *looks around before clearing his throat* Eddie...zat is unacceptable.

Eddie: What would you like me to do, sir?

Brainy: Convince Carnos to come back at any cost! And make sure zat he kills zat fraulein! 

Eddie: It shall be done, sir! 

Brainy: Wunderbar! I trust you, Eddie. *ends the hologram call* 

Eddie: *sighs* This won't be easy...

With that, I eventually came to my senses in a few days and eventually called Carnos via hologram. It did not go well...

Theodore: !! Eddie?

Eddie: *hologram* Carnos! Glad you answered! Listen, I contacted Brainy a few days ago. He's very disappointed in you, friend. So what do you say, you drop this hawaiian shit, kill that bi- I mean girl of yours, and come back! 

Sophie: *knocks on the garage door* Oh, Theodore! I made you some lemonade. 

Eddie: ? Theodore? 

Theodore: ! I'll be right there, Sophie! Don't come in! *to Eddie* Listen here, punk....I go by Theodore now. And I gave up  that damn Nazi Carnivore life....I am a new man now and I have better things to do. Taking care of my lover and fixing cars! 

Eddie: Wha- this isn't you! You are Carnos! Killer of all things! You should be on your damn knees, kissing the floor for the glory of the Carnivores! 

Theodore: *chuckles* Had I not change my ways, I'd instantly get on a plane, fly my ass right at your door, and rip that fucking spine of yours out....*whispers: from your ass.*

Eddie: !!!

Theodore: But like I said, I changed. Do yourself a favor and don't call me Carnos. Don't think of hunting me down. And if I hear you talk about Sophie again....I will find you. *breaks the hologram device by stomping it* 

Eddie: *shaking* Mein Gott....

I knew exactly what I had to do after that call....

Eddie: *laughing like a maniac* So you think you're tough now, eh, "Theodore"!? Heh, just wait until you get a load of this guy. *laughs hysterically as he turns on the cloning machine*

I created the perfect clone, even better than Carnos! Er- Theodore...

Carnos 2.0: *gets out of the Machine* 

Eddie: *laughs and programs him* 

Carnos 2.0: ! *turns to Eddie* 

Eddie: You will obey me and Brainy...For I am your God! *clears his throat* I have a job for you....

More on the way

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