Claw and Clarissa

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Species: Smilodon

Bio: From Australia, this Aussie is ready to collect debts and kill any targets he is hired to kill. But like any other bounty hunter in this world, there must be a code he follows. His favorite weapon to hunt with? The sniper rifle. 


Species: Smilodon

Bio: Basically she is the female version of Claw. Kinda....After her family was murderd, Claw vowed to take care of his sister's daughter and teaches her everything he knows. With that being said, she is the niece of Claw. The worst traits from her, is not caring for the code at all. She usually kills innocent people behind Claw's back. 


In the past

Claw: Steady your breathing, love. Breathe in....and breathe out. 

Clarissa: *breathes calmly* 

Claw: Good job, Clarissa. Now when you're ready, hold your breath and fire at the target. 

Clarissa: *holds her breath and aims at the gorgonopsid* 

Claw: Do not look at it as a poor soul. Look at it as prey.

Clarissa: *fires as she breathes* 

Gorgonopsid: *wails and drops dead* 

Clarissa: ! Uncle, I got it!

Claw: That's my niece! Now come on, let's go check on that shot. *walks to the Gorgonopsid* 

Clarissa: *smiles and follows* 


Clarissa: *on the walky talky* Claw, I got an eye on the target...*aims at a drug dealer* 

Claw: Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage. 

Clarissa: He's right there, I can easily take the shot. 

at some ware house

Claw: are not ready to be a bounty hunter yet. Now disengage and get out of there....*hears static* Clarissa! 


Clarissa: *shoots his head*

Drug dealer: *drops dead* 

Clarissa: eleminated. *grabs her rifle and runs off* 


Claw: *watching the news* 

Clarissa: Hey, Claw! I'm back! *sits at the table* And I got us some chinese food. 

Claw: *walks to her and drops a picture of her in front of her* 

Clarissa: ? What's this? 

Claw:.....I told you not to engage, but you didn't listen. You've allowed yourself to get caught while hunting! 

Clarissa: Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

Claw: Damn right it won't. You will not hunt with me again, you will be grounded here, and I will take your rifle away!

Clarissa: Claw, you can't do this to me over one mistake! 

Claw: The hell, I can't!....I am not gonna risk my life as well as yours over the mistakes you MIGHT make, and believe me, you will make mistakes. You are clearly not ready. So until then, enjoy your chinese food...*walks off* 

Clarissa: .....*grabs a chinese food and starts eating* hmph.....I'll show him I'm ready. *notices his bag on the couch* hmmmm....*gets up and walks to the couch* I bet there's something in here that's worth my attention. *looks through the bag and pulls something out* ! No way....*looks at the file of Bucko* Hehe...he'll do. 

Later later

Clarissa: *sneaks into Claw's room and checks on him* 

Claw: *sleeping* Zzzzz

Clarissa: *grabs her rifle and sneaks out* Bucko's head will be as good as mine...

2 Hours later

Bucko: *cutting a tree with an axe* 

Clarissa: They say you'd be around here. 

Bucko: ? *turns to Clarissa* 

Clarissa: Hi, Bucko. I'm Clarissa. And I'm here to collect payment by bringing in your corpse. *points a gun at him* 

Bucko: .....*grabs her gun* 

Clarissa: ! *shoots his face* 

Bucko: ! *drops the axe* 

Clarissa: Tsk, of course that damn bucket is bullet proof. Let's do it this way then. *grabs her knife* 

Bucko: .......*puts his fists up* 

Clarissa: Tsk *slashes at him* 

Bucko: *smacks her away*

Clarissa: ! *falls down* hnnnghh...*tries getting up* 

Bucko: *stomps near her head*

Clarissa: ! 

Bucko: *grabs the axe and walks back to the tree* 

Clarissa: *gets up* So  that's it then!? *walks to Bucko* You're not gonna kill me?! 

Bucko: *turns back then continues cutting the tree* 

Clarissa: You trying to intimidate me now? It's not working...

Bucko: *walks to her and gives her a severed  head* 

Clarissa: ! 

Bucko: *chuckles darkly*

Clarissa: !!! *steps back* 

Bucko: *walks a bit close to her* 

Clarissa: *runs off* 

Later that day

Clarissa: You were right, Claw. I was not ready....

Claw: I'm glad you're honest, love. It takes guts to tell the truth. 

Clarissa: I'm sorry, Claw. I....I could have died. 

Claw: Nevermind that, Clarissa. It's okay now. *hugs her* You're safe. 

Clarissa: *sniffs and hugs back* 

More on the way 

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