Part 2) The dream

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To my 1 viewer. Hi! :D I hope you like my story!
Now editing this chapter I forgot to say, the kid can only talk because it's a dream.

We lock eyes and I feel tears rolling down my face. "Brother?..."

"Yup. Come on, mom and dad are done cooking. They might get mad if we're late."

Confused I look around and see my old house. Red, white, dirt on the walls, a concrete porch with dirt all over it. I walk towards it with my brother.

We enter and I see the walls are kind of torn and dirty. I see mom, dad. I feel my brother grab my hand walk me towards the table full of food.

We both sit but only he gets served. "You don't deserve food this week. You didn't clean the barn enough." Confused, I remember what he means and I look out the window to see a big red and brown barn.

I turn to look at my parents but there gone. I look back out the window to see it shattered. I step back and run towards the door. Once I'm out I go to the big red barn.

The big brown gate is super loud when you open it fast. I enter to see it completely abandoned, tore apart. Dirty and hay everywhere. I look up and see someone sitting there. I climb the nearly broken ladder.

As I'm climbing the ladder breaks, making me fall off. It seems like I've been falling forever. I finally reach the ground but now I'm back in the basement I was staying in. Relieved I'm not home yet scared I'm still not somewhere I know, I sit on the bed.

A minute later the door opens I look to see and there is the same man in a green hoodie and a white mask standing there, this time with friends.

One has a black and white shirt that has a fire symbol on it. He has a white bandanna on his forehead and the other has a baby blue sweater on with a red and white rectangle on the upper part of it. He has white glasses on.

The fire one has a large knife and is slowly walking towards me. I try to back up but hit the wall still sitting on the bed. He grabs me, throws me on the floor, and keeps stabbing me. Over and over and over again. I close my eyes.

Quickly sitting up I realize it was only a nightmare. I rub my eyes and stand up. I walk over to the desk that now has a wooden chair. I sit and open my notebook to write about my dream.

"Day 3:
I had a very bad nightmare. I was back home with mom, dad, and Jake. We went in for dinner, they only served him and not me. I start to argue and dad hits me. Jake pushes him and tells me to run. I run to the barn and hide there until I hear someone calling my name. That all I remember. Then I woke up shaking and sweating. I decided to write in my notebook so I could remember what I dreamt about if I ever need to. But that's the least of my worries. They haven't fed me all day. I'm starving. I need to find a way to escape. I still have the tape they left me, maybe I could do something with that? I heard them talking about someone named Darryl yesterday. Maybe if I could at least leave this room I could leave. I don't know what they will do if they catch me though. Maybe I should wait."

Someone enters the room and they place a bowl in front of me. I grab it and look at it, it's crackers and goldfish. I look at them and it's some guy in a black and red hoodie. They have glasses and their hood on. They smile at me as they give me a water bottle and leave. Maybe that's the guy they were talking about?

After finishing I still have water left. Now I have 2 bottles. I place them under the desk and ignore them. Later I'm bored and start drawing. I finish and it's a picture of what I saw in my dream, the big red and brown dirty and broken barn. The grass around it is dead and dried. A few birds are flying by, small brown birds. My brother and I are standing in front of it, hugging, it's almost like I could still feel his warm arms around me... I miss him...

I get up and sit on the floor, staring at the teddy bear next to me. It reminds me of Jake, he loves animals and always has his teddy bear with him, he says he hugs it when he feels scared... so I hug mine.

The same guy from earlier opens the door and sits down next to me. He waves and smiles at me. "Hi! My name is Darryl but my friends sometimes call me bad because of my ign. (In-game name) What's your name?"

I look at him and we both lock eyes. I get up, grab my notebook and show him the page I showed the other guy. He reads it and says, "Oh, I'm sorry. I like your name though! Anyways I have to go before dream gets mad I'm down here without permission. Hope to see you again tomorrow or later!"

He waves goodbye and leaves.

I smile knowing how nice he is. I like him, friendly, kind, caring, a type of person I haven't seen since my brother died...

My brother had died 2 years ago.

We were playing in the junkyard and he climbed on top of the old school bus we slept in. I told him to get down because he might get hurt, but he thought it was a trick so I could tag him. I begged him, he realized I was scared for him.

He tried to climb down but slipped... and fell. He would've fallen on the ground and just gotten a few bruises but, he fell on a car next to the bus, with metal and glass shards sticking up.

It was a trap we set as a joke saying an animal might fall into it, but instead, he did. There was blood everywhere. I was frozen in fear. I started crying and screaming saying it was my fault.

If I hadn't told him to get down, he probably wouldn't have slipped. I pulled him off and hugged him tightly. Blood on my shirt, I just cried on his shoulder. I was scared someone might see and blame me for killing, even though it was kind of my fault.

I sat there and cried until I fell asleep. But it still haunts me to this day.
1141 words

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