Part 12) This doesnt feel right.. part 2

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Part 2 ✌️😌. This will be published soon after I publish part 1. I stayed up late to finish this
==Sam POV==

Let me explain...

A while ago, after moving, I was texting some people I met on a server on discord. We had made a discord group chat and someone named it Monky. Weird but that's who they are.

I was texting and they were really funny to me. They were always telling weird jokes. They loved dark humor as did I. After sending a joke, I read it aloud since I couldn't talk, I thought I wouldn't make any noise.

To my surprise, I did.

I was able to read the joke aloud. It just hurt a little but I talked for the first time! I realized what happened and got super happy and excited. I tried to say another word and it worked.

I tried again but didn't want a sore throat so I stopped. As I was silently and secretly celebrating to myself, I thought about something.

If I try long and hard enough, maybe I will be able to actually talk someday. Even if it's just a few words or a sentence, at least it was something right?

Being me, I wanted to tell someone so bad. I thought about telling the group but decided against it. Maybe Zak? No, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it. He wouldn't stop trying to get me to talk. He probably wouldn't believe me.

Darryl?... maybe. He listens to me, even if he doesn't think it's true. He won't try to force me to talk but he might ask me a few times. He's not as pushy as Zak, but Zak can't help that. That's what makes him, him.

I texted Darryl about it. What I said was;
Darryl- Darryl🧁

Me- Hey Darryl, can I tell you something?

Darryl🧁- sure what's up?

Me- I was texting some people I met on a discord server and one of them told me a joke. I was reading it aloud and realized I actually did.

Darryl🧁- wait so, you actually talked? Like, said words?

Me- yeah!

Darryl🧁- That's so cool! I'm so happy for you! Wait hold on, if you can talk, then why don't you?

Me- I've never been able to. It always hurt or it just didn't come out as noise or word or anything.

Darryl🧁- so does this mean your not fully mute? Maybe you just have a hard time talking but you actually can.

Me- I hope so...

After that, we just talked about it but the conversation was to ✨ e p i c ✨ to write about. He ended up calling me and trying to get me to talk. I was able to say one word which was hi. I wasn't able to say anything more and he didn't want to make me uncomfortable so he didn't ask me to again.

A few hours later I had fallen asleep. He hung up so it wasn't weird in the morning.

Present time:

I got up and looked around as Clay had left. He said he was gonna be gone for a few hours but had cameras hidden everywhere so he could see us.

Weird but okay. Anyways, Darryl was talking to me and both of us were trying to calm Zak down. After all, he was still kind of scared because he had a gun to his head by someone he thought was his friend.

A while later we were bored and forgot about the cameras, but now about Clay. Something we were all wondering was where George and Nick were. We knew they weren't gonna be gone for a long long time but still.

Darryl had fallen asleep on Zak's shoulder because he hadn't slept last night. I didn't much either. How could you when your sleeping on a very cold mattress? In a cold room?

We didn't do anything just watch tv quietly. It was 2:27 and the other 2 were asleep. I didn't want to sleep because I was scared.

⚠️⚠️TW: incase people are scared of like monsters and stuff. ⚠️⚠️

Since they were asleep, I was awake alone in the dark. I was terrified of the dark.

The rest of this is based on what happened to me last night. (4/12/21 somewhere around 2 am.)

I was trying to sleep but when I closed my eyes, my mind went to a very scary place. It always flashed monsters in my head and forced me to open my eyes.

~flashback thingy~

One monster I was deeply afraid of was one that can crawl on the walls fast and kind of just appear anywhere I was or wasn't looking. It had long blood arms and sharp finger-like things. More like sharp thing sticks but very strong.

It was like looking at a pile of flesh and blood without skin or organs or bones. Just dark red blood.

It always had another creature with it. The creature was small, like the size of a dog. It crawled around me and was dark black. When I saw it, it ran away fast... well crawled. It was like a dog but it wasn't.

Another thing I was terrified of was a person. It was always praying or something. It had a gray robe thing on with no face. It was pitch black. The thing had long arms and strong and sharp stick-like fingers. It was incredibly fast and would run at me.

Every time I saw those things I would hope that someone would see me freaking out and would calm me down.

Darryl had come into my room during one of the times I saw these things. He calmed down as much as possible but it wasn't much help until he turned on the light.

(I just described last night without really realizing 😂 also instead of just those 3, it was also big bird and Elmo from Sesame Street... creepy)

~end of flashback thingy~

I hated being alone but it was worse without a flashlight. I stood up quickly because sitting was starting to scare me.

Just in case people are confused it's
==Sam POV==

I turned around because I had a feeling something was behind me. It wasn't anything of course. I did the same thing having the same feeling.

I tried to find any source of light close to me because I don't dare to go to the light switch. There was a flashlight, thank god.

Shinning it around, I found nothing. After trying to not think of these monsters that aren't real, I started to panic. That panic turned into pure fear. I was basically spinning now.

Tears started streaming down my face as I start hyperventilating. I accidentally shined the light in Zak's face because he woke up and saw me.

He gently laid Darryl down next to him and he ran to me.

==No POV==

Zak ran to the crying kid and hugged him, which the boy gladly hugged back. He felt safer now that someone was with him.

They both hugged for a few minutes then pulled apart.

"What happened?" Zak asked with a worried expression. Since Sam knew Zak didn't know sign language, he shrugged and looked up at him.

He had seen another figure behind Zak and quickly started walking backward but tripped and dropped some things on the floor.

Sam held his knees up to his chest, sat against the wall, and started crying.

With all that noise Darryl woke up. He instantly went over to the boys and kneeled next to Sam.

They heard footsteps coming from another room.

Then someone opened the door...

So yes, some things were real events that happened to me. The rest wasn't. I have a very bad fear of the dark... and Sesame Street. Those damn things are creepy af.
Hope you like this chapter!
1318 words

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