Part 7) The new prisoner

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I need ideas. Pls
Btw there's talk of blood sooooo... yeah
"W-What are you gonna do to us?.." Jacob asked. "You, I have some ideas. As for him, I'm not sure yet." Dream said.

Dream grabbed Jacob by his shirt. "Let's have some fun, yeah?" He said, grabbing Jacob's arm and dragging him to another room.

I lock eyes with Zak until George grabs my arm and drags me to the corner of the room and puts a metal collar around my neck.

It is cold and heavy. It's a bit tight too but I can't get it off and he won't loosen it.

I close my eyes and start to cry, I'm scared for Jacob. I open my eyes to see George talking to Zak and Darryl.

Darryl kept looking back at me but he didn't say anything. I look down at my leg and it begins to hurt like hell.

"Dammit! They didn't have to shoot me! But then again they wouldn't have gotten to me if they didn't, I hate this! I want to go home, to see if Jacob is okay, just to see my friends again."

Zak walks up to me. "Hi, I'm sorry about the collar and your leg. They usually kill the people who try to escape. You got lucky kid."

He's too nice for a kidnapper. Maybe he needs me for something but needs my trust first. Even if he does I'm not gonna tell them anything. How long have I been here?!

Darryl and Zak walk out of the room and go outside. George walks up to me.

"Clay said I can't touch you, but he isn't here right now and since you can't talk, you can't tell him," George says, smirking.

He grabs a knife and rolls up my sleeves. Blood rushing down my arm as he cuts it. All I feel is a pain as he cuts me more.


My arms are sore and I have a headache. He kept hitting my head and cutting my arms. He made 5 cuts in each arm, long, deep cuts.

He bandaged me up and left. It's been hours since Dream or, "Clay" took Jacob to another room. I hope he's okay...

With Jacob

It's been hours since Dream dragged me here. He's been beating since. He took breaks but kept me in the corner. He teased me with food and laughed when I asked for something to eat.

"I haven't even fully started. This? This is just a warm-up." He said. I could tell he was smiling under his white, creepy mask.

He drags me back to the same table he kept smashing my head against. He smashed it too hard and the table broke.

There was broken glass right there and blood, lots of blood.

I had a huge cut on the side of my head, right next to my eye. Everything goes black. I could still feel pain. So much pain, I can't move because of how much it hurt.

I wake back up but I'm pretty sure it's been like 5-10 minutes because he took another break. He takes one every half hour and it's been about 20 minutes since his last one.

Great, more hitting. "I think you're done now. You need time to heal because it's better when your screaming or trying to get away. I find it funny and a great feeling." Dream says.

"Y-your crazy..." I say, too hurt to talk.

He stares at me before hitting me, with all his might. Dream hit my head and my vision goes blurry. I don't know how long I was out for but when I awoke, I was sore, two guys were standing over me, and I was medically treated.

One of the guys was wearing a black and dark red hoodie and the other was wearing a baby blue jacket and some black and white shorts.

They were looking at me and asked how I was feeling. "Better than before, just sore and can't feel certain areas."

They bring in a dusty vital machine and hooked it up to me. Zak whispered something to Darryl then got a needle and injected me with something.

It was some medicine that I don't know about. I was starting to feel weak but relieved that I couldn't feel anything.

"Can I have a kiss?" Zak said. "No, We have to go," Darryl said, looking at him.

They both leave the room. All I can think about is Sam. Where is he? I just want to leave this room but they tied my hands to the side of the bed.

I need to check on him, then we can plan to escape. The first thing we should do is to gain those guys' trust. Then maybe Sam and I can use them to get out of here.

Sam gets scared easily and is very shy. I don't think that he will want to stand up to dream and his friends. They hurt him too much.

The doors open and in comes George. He has Sam! "SAM!" I shout. He gets thrown at me.

"Thought you could use a friend," George says, clearly unhappy as he leaves the room.

"Are you okay?" I ask Sam. He nods yes, they didn't hurt him. I'm glad
Sams POV:

My leg and arms are sore, but I'm fine. Zak said he and Darryl will try to get us food, I'm not that hungry right now though.

I wish Jacob didn't come here. He nearly died because of Dream.

Jacob was able to get my hands free so I try to cut the rope on his hands but no use. I don't have anything that sharp, besides the broken glass.

I get a big, sharp piece and cut. It cut my hand because I had to grip it hard to get through the rope.

We both then try to get the collar off of him but no use, we need a key. Jacob ends up laying down right there.

I lay down next to him finding comfort that he's with me because he's the only person here who I know personally.

We both fall asleep and wake up early in the morning or maybe late at night. There wasn't a clock in the room so I just guessed that it was still night.

Jacob wakes up and sits down, leaning against the wall.

He sees my hand bleeding and tries to look at it but I move it away quickly. I sit up and we lock eyes.

I shake my head no as Jacob leans back against the wall. It hurts so I don't want anyone to touch my hand.

"We need to find a way out of here. I can't get this thing off, can you go look?" Jacob asks.

I nod and get up. There's nothing but broken glass, a wooden desk with... a computer! I point to it and Jacob sees it.

The computer was in the back of the room where we couldn't see it. It was working and I send a message to my friends.

Please help, me and Jacob were kidnapped and badly injured. I'll send you our location.

I'm also able to call the police too and I do. I tell them what happened and where we are. Those idiots were dumb enough to have Google maps open but, it showed my house. They were targeting me.

Dream walks in and sees me by the computer, I look back at him. He runs to me and pushes me to the side. He smashed the computer and smacks me.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU, IDIOT!" He yells. I shrug and try to run out but I can't run fast because of my leg. He grabs me and takes me outside.

Once we get outside the big gate, he sits me on my knees and points a gun at my head. This is it. That is all I can think about

I close my eyes tightly and I hear a gun reload. Then...

1354 words

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