Part 8) How i got home

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To my brother: if your reading this, send me a Steve Harvey meme with a message saying "bald people pog". Thank you!


I open my eyes but everything is blurry. He shot my arm and missed the other 2 shots? No, he tried to shoot someone else.

I look at the big gate entrance and see the cops and my friends standing there. Dream drags me back inside and locks the door.

"Everyone hide. Now! This idiot called the cops and their outside."  He yelled.

George and Nick carry me to an attic upstairs. The others follow.

Of course, they tie my hands together behind my back so I can't try anything. Zak keeps me in the corner so Dream and the other won't hurt me for calling the police.

Once the cops break open the door they start searching the house for me and everyone else, they can find the attic though because the hatch to it is hidden. I hear footsteps and start hitting the wall so they could hear but Nick picks me up so I can't do that.

It's been hours since the police were here. They decided to stay in the attic for a while to make sure the cops left. I found it a waste of time.

Once we get back downstairs the first thing they did was lock me in the basement with Jacob. For some reason, Zak and Darryl stayed in the basement with us.

"My favorite game is Minecraft, my ign is BadBoyHalo and my best friend is Zak," Darryl says.

"My favorite game is also Minecraft and my ign is Skeppy. I have 5 million subscribers on YouTube and love to troll Darryl." Zak says.

I like their igns. Maybe I could play Minecraft with them one day if I ever leave this place.

Looking around for something to do I find my old notebook. It has my drawings, my journal entries, everything.

I find a pencil and start to draw, I drew the 2 love birds together. I think it turned out great!

Hours passed and still the door hasn't opened. They've been asleep most of the time and I've been drawing and messing with them. I'd sleep sometimes too cause I was tired.
The next morning

I think I was asleep when they left because when I woke up, Zak and Darryl, or "Skeppy and Bad", were gone.

The only thing they left me was some food. Two pancakes and an apple. When I got up and went to the door, to my surprise, they forgot to lock it.

I ran out as fast as I could (Not very fast) and hid outside in some bushes. I was gonna keep running but my leg was throbbing and I couldn't feel my arm much anymore.

I can't express how excited I am to be able to run out of there without being chased. I'm going home...

It took hours and lots of pain but there it was... my house. I was scared thinking about what I saw on the computer, seeing they know where I live.

I can't move out because of my leg and arm but I decided to just stay at a hotel for a while. It had an E-Sports arena and lots of gambling machines.

The room was amazing! It had a small hot tub, sadly with no jets, and a small mini fridge with 2 bugs beds and 2 TVs.

When I woke up an hour and a half later, I was kinda scared as to where I was but then I realized that I had rented a room at a hotel.
It's been months since I had escaped. I'm getting worried about Jacob, I sent a missing person report but I got nothing back. I was too afraid to call the police on the people who kidnapped me because they knew where I lived.

I moved somewhere else recently and it's very nice. It's 20 minutes away from where I used to live but that place was kind of scary and far from the rest of the city.

My injuries either left some scars or healed. The cuts are healed, my leg healed but left a big permanent scar. I was okay with that though.

I got hungry and because I just moved in, I didn't have groceries. I got dressed and starting walking towards a restaurant nearby. It wasn't that far.

I ordered and got my food. As I was eating, 2 familial names popped up on my recommended on YouTube. Skeppy... BadBoyHalo...

Zak and Darryl! Those are their youtube channels! I thought. I decided to go to their newest video and watch it. It's pretty good.

After watching almost all their videos. I decided to comment on the most recent one.

"Hi, I don't know if you remember me or not but my name is Sam. You know, the mute kid? Anyways I found your channel while out eating and wanted to know how you guys were doing. That's not the only reason I commented though, it's about Jacob. I hope you remember him. He's been missing for about 3 months now and I'm getting worried. I hope you reply I need your help with this. Last I saw him, was with you guys."

2 hours later, "Skeppy" replied.
"I do remember you! I and Bad are fine and I think I can help with your friend. If you Instagram I can give you my phone number and we can continue from there? I'm sure you're doing fine too but I would like to know still. Anyways I hope you see this."

I replied with my Instagram and gave him my phone number. We started to try and find out what happened to Jacob. After weeks of searching, we found out that he moved from California to Las Vegas for a while.

I was able to get his new number and I messaged him. Since I'm only 14 I can't fly to Vegas or drive there. He is 16 so he decided to come to me instead.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock on my door. Hesitant, I open it slowly to see Jacob standing there. Smiling, I hug him and lead him towards my bedroom.

"This is nice! But why did you mo- oh... never mind. Anyways, how are you? Are you okay?" I nod and show him my open laptop.

It was open to the comments of Skeppy's newest video. He read our messages and looked at me. "That is one of the people who kidnapped you? Why are you talking to them?!"

I type in a new tab and he reads it. "He was one of the guys that tried to help us." "Oh.. still, what do you need from them?" I type why I was talking to Zak and he just shrugs and starts talking to me about what we should do about them.

I shake my head no because he wanted to go to the police. I don't. After arguing we decide that we shouldn't because it's been a while since they took us and they might know where we live now. He was just staying in Vegas for a while, I completely moved.
Days later

Jacob and I were watching Zak's videos and we enjoyed them. I thought about this crazy idea to meet with Zak and Darryl again. I missed them comforting me when I was hurt or sad. But Jacob wouldn't want me to.

Using sign language I tell him I need to use the bathroom but I go to the bedroom. I get out my phone and open it to messages.

Hi! I want to tell you something. Jacob says I shouldn't but... do you want to meet again? I've been bored and I need friends and I don't like talking to people I know meaning I don't have any friends but I know you so... yeah.... anyways text me when you see this.

After a few minutes, I get a reply.

Sure but, can I bring a friend? It's someone you know so it won't be AS weird. When and where would you want to meet up?

As I'm texting back I get another message, but not from Zak...

This I think is my longest chapter ending with 1396 words.

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