Part 4) The strangers

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"Day 5:
So Darryl was talking about someone named Zak yesterday and he seems to blush when he talks about him. I think they're more than friends... Dream has been nice, he gives me food, lets me take breaks more often, he told me that I could get more breaks but for half the time each. I agreed but then he started questioning me about things, random things. I had to write on 5 pieces of paper to answer his questions. "How old are you?" "Do you have siblings" "what are your parents' names?" Things like that. Then he started asking about Jake. I ignored him, he didn't like it. He told me I didn't have to talk about him then and there but I needed to at some point. I was upset that he would talk about him, and confused on how he knew about him if I didn't mention his name or if he had died. Was he stalking me? Enough about that, I need a new plan. He keeps getting mad when I ask for a clock, he must know about what I'm trying to do with it. Does he read my journal when I'm upstairs? I hope not."

I close my book and rub my eyes, still kind of tired. I knock on the door, I needed to go to the bathroom. No answer. I knock again, no answer.

I sit on the floor with the bear and hug it. Yes, I was feeling scared. More sick than scared but still. I hear footsteps and banging on the door. I hide under the desk and hold the teddy bear tightly.

Some guy I've never seen before enters the room. He sees me and drags me upstairs. Trying to get out of his grip, I see him pulling out a pistol and talking to another guy. He throws me onto the floor and points the gun at my head.

"Where are they?!" Confused I shrug. He gets mad and hits me in the head with his gun. I fall and I touch the back of my head to feel something dripping, blood...

I get back up and rub my head. It hurts bad. To show them I'm mute, I do sign language. He puts his gun on my forehead and stares at me.

"Are you mute?! How are we gonna get info now if he can't talk?!" He says, looking at his friend. "Just make him write it." He smiles and gets paper. "Write." He says

What do you want? I write. He asks if I know where the "dream team" is. ?? Dream team? Who's that?

Who are they? I say. "How the hell do you not know idiot?" I spit at him and flip him off.

He punches me in the face grabbing my shirt. He then kicks me and throws me back on the floor. "Where are the-"


I close my eyes and lay on the ground, holding my head.

Someone grabs my arm and lifts me.

Darryl. He drags me up the stairs and we hide under a big bed in a bedroom. "Be quiet and stay here" he says as points his gun towards the door and reloads it.

I close my eyes and look away. I hear footsteps and I cover my ears tightly.


I open my eyes slowly and look towards the door. The same guy that hit me was lying on the floor, dead. I looked at him and looked at Darryl. He took me downstairs to everyone.

They saw that I have a bruise on my eye and blood on my hands. I rub my head because it hurts like hell. Dammit, it hurts so bad! I think. They see and dream turns me around and looks at my bleeding head.

I didn't think he hit me that hard. Dreams take me to a bed in the corner of the room. It looks like a hospital bed. He puts a pain reliever on my eye and my head. Dream wraps my head in white bandages and tells me to rest.
The next day

Still tired, I rub my eyes and slowly walk to the basement to get my notebook. I sit down and start to write

"Day 6:
Yesterday was crazy, some guys broke in asking for "the dream team" and when I told them I didn't know, one of the guys hit the back of my head hard with his pistol. I'm surprised I didn't blackout! He made me write down what I know on paper when he realized I was mute. He got mad when I didn't know what he was talking about so he kept hitting me, now I have a bruised eye and dried blood on my head and hands. I haven't eaten today or yesterday. (That I remember) I might ask for food but I don't think I want to because of what happened. I don't feel good at all, I might be sick because of how cold it is here. Maybe the flu? Darryl had killed someone in front of me yesterday and I'm still kind of scared because of that. I didn't think he was capable of killing someone! He looks so innocent and wholesome! Well, I have a headache now, and I'm very hungry. I might just go eat and draw, maybe ask if I can't watch tv."

I knock on the door and the guy in a baby blue hoodie opens it. "What?" He says. I rub my stomach, trying to say that it hurts and that I'm hungry. "Does it hurt or are you hungry?" I put up 2 fingers. "Both?" I nod. He walks me out of the basement and takes me to dream. "He doesn't feel good and he's hungry. Also, where is Nick?" "I dunno he said he was gonna be gone for a while, he might be with Karl."

He leaves me with dream and I sit down. Dream gives me medicine and some food. It was crackers, like always. There is a knock on the door. One of them opens the door.

It's a guy in a blue jacket and black hair. He has black shorts on and white Adidas. I see Darryl wave at him and hug him.

I think I know who it is...
1075 words

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