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Hola lovies!

Please read the A/N the end 💛


"C'mon open your mouth darling"

I keep my mouth closed, my hands still chained to the bed. He sighs and frowns.

"Violet baby open your mouth, I know you're starving" He pouts, I stay silent my mouth not opening.

"Violet don't make me force you" He furrows his brow, I don't move.

"Baby I don't want to hurt you" He says slowly, I gulp but don't open my mouth.

Harry sits back, a frown stretched across his face.

"Violet-" I cut him off

"Hurt me Harry! Give me another reason to fucking hate you!" I scream, he only smirks.

"You can't hate me forever"

"Well I plan on it" I sneer, he gets up and walks out of the room leaving me alone on the bed.

I stare at the blank wall in front of me, a single mirror hanging on it. I glance at it to see my once white, blonde hair turning back to its natural brown tone. I frown, and look around for a way out like I have for the past weeks.

When I found out Marcel was Harry, I felt hella stupid. How could I not recognize him.

Those curls

Those eyes

Those tattoos

That voice

I can't believe I didn't notice it, and now he's killed Zayn and Ryan.

What if he goes after Mariana? If he did that I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd do anything to make him mad so he could hopefully snap and maybe I join her in heaven. Knowing my past I won't make it, I'll be in hell with my dad.

How nice

"Are you ready to eat?" Harry says as he walks back in the bland room. I stay silent and he sighs and sits next to me.

"Darling I don't want you to starve" He soothes, and rubs my arm. I scoot against the nearest wall, my knees against my chest.

"Violet please eat, it's your favorite cereal" He smiles, I shake my head.

"Please leave me alone" I mumble, he sighs.

"Please just try and understand from my side, I want the best for you love" He says and kisses my forehead but I push him away with my chained wrists.

"If you were actually fucking normal I would've tried to get to know you but you're a damn lunatic" I yell, hurt flashes across his eyes and I don't feel bad at all.

"I will never understand you and I won't try to, I fucking hate you" I continue and smirk when he stays silent.

I've finally gotten through to him, finally cracked the crazy ass shell of his.

"Violet I'm sorry I've caused you so much pain, but I'm not letting you go I can't risk losing something so previous"

"Fuck you" I spat and cross my arms.

"You'll have to wait for such a privilege" He smirks, I cross my eyes at him and frown.

"I'll never fuck you, you'd have to cut off my head first" I spat, he raises a brow.

"Trust me, soon you'll be screaming my name so loud the neighbors will probably call the cops thinking I'm actually cutting your head off" He grins and grabs my chin, raising my head to look him in the eyes.

Violet (Harry/ Marcel AU)Where stories live. Discover now