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"Wake up darling"

I open my eyes to meet the ever so familiar green ones.

"What do you want Harry?" I mutter and close my eyes in hope I'll drift off to sleep.

"I've made you breakfast, and I also have a surprise"

I look over to see him smiling, I instantly frown.

"Come on get up" He demands playfully, he reaches over and enters a small metal key to the chains attached to my feet. When their unlocked, I instantly pull my feet out.

"This was supposed to be for your birthday but we got a bit distracted" He lightly grins, he grabs my hand and leads me down the hall. We stop at a black door.

"I hope you like it" He sighs and closes his eyes, he reaches for the doorknob.

When the door opens my mouth is wide open, I let go of Harry's hand and step into the familiar room.

"I-It looks just like my-" He cuts me off, his hand sliding around my waist.

"I want you to feel at home and comfortable" He whispers in my ear, I lightly smile.

"Everything's the same, the bed, the window, the wooden floors, uh wow" I say as I walk around the room, I see Harry smile. He grabs my hands and pulls my body against his.

"I'm glad you're happy love" He chimes and he looks down at me, I look away.

"But I'm not Harry-" He interrupts me

"Just accept it baby, you're not going anywhere" He shrugs, I frown and pull away from him.

"I'm never going to accept it Harry, how am I supposed to accept the fact that I may never have a normal life, or I might never see my best friend anymore"

He sighs and let's go of me, he turns around his back facing me.

"I've fucking tried my hardest to make you happy, I cook your favorite foods, I buy shit you like, I even fucking redecorate one of my rooms to look exactly like yours so you would feel more comfortable"

I can tell his growing frustrated with me and that's what I want. I want him to hate me as much as I hate him and hopefully he'll let me go.

"Well I'll never be comfortable with you, so stop trying" I snap, he clenches his fists closed.

"Violet I will keep you, no matter what you say or do you are mine"

I stay silent, not knowing how to respond. He smiles and grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to him. I look up to see him already looking at me.

"Baby I have a burning desire to be with you and the longer I am without you the more it burns. I need you, also want you and I plan on getting what I want"

He grips my hips and pulls them against his, allowing me to feel his hard erection. He lowers his mouth by my ear.

"You feel that Violet? That's what you do to me, that's how bad I want you" He whispers, I stay quiet. He pulls back and bites his lip.

"Baby don't look at me like that, you look so innocent but I know you're not" He smirks and runs his thumbs in circles over my hips.

"I know what you can do, I've seen it" He mumbles, I furrow my brow and he chuckles.

"You and Zayn were pretty rough with each other, but sorry to say my dick is bigger" He smirks, I frown and try to push away from him.

"You fucking watched us!"

"Baby calm down, I only watched you" He says as he keeps me close to him, not allowing me to push away.

"I understand why you feel like you loved him, even though you knew him for only a few months" He sighs and looks me in the eyes.

"Every time a female has a sexual intercourse with a fellow male a chemical is released to their brain and it gives them an emotional connection to the male" He pauses to take in my reaction, which is smug because I believe this is pure bullshit.

"And I think that's why you care for Zayn and Travis so dearly, Violet they don't deserve your care" He continues, I roll my eyes.

"Can I sleep now, or are you going to keep talking?" I raise a brow, he frowns and then sighs.

"I deserve your care, I deserve your love not some fucking bastard that is just going to use you until he's tired and break your heart!" He raises his voice, I frown.

"Oh really? From what it seems like you've used a few girls and when you got tired of them you cut their fucking head off! I don't know if it's just me but I'd rather get my heart broken than my head cut off"

"Violet I didn't grow tired of those girls-" I cut him off abruptly

"Oh so you just get a kick out of decapitating people?" I yell, he closes his eyes and rubs his temple.

"I'm not arguing with you" He mutters under his breath.

"Because you know I'm right" I snap, he sighs.

"Violet go to sleep"

"No, you don't own me"

"Violet baby girl just go lay down-" I interrupt him.


"Violet take your ass to sleep!"

"No, I am not going to fucking sleep" I scream, his eyes grow dark and next thing I know I'm on the floor, my cheek throbbing from the hard slap it just received.

He hit me

He actually hit me

I look up to see Harry's eyes wide and looking down at me.

"I-I didn't mean to-" I cut him off mid sentence.

"Just leave, if you really want I'll go to sleep goodnight Harry"

I stumble but eventually stand up and get into the familiar bed.

"I-I'm sorry Violet, goodnight"




Tbh I think Violet is stubborn but what female isn't?

So apparently 5/5 aren't single

*tear tear* 💧

Yeah cus Harry some girl I think her name is...


Ha bitches I'm Harry's girlfriend🌸

Hope you all have a wonderful day🌈

Remember that you're beautiful and that I'm Harry's girlfriend 💖

Love ya loads✨😍

Adios ✌️

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