82 10 16

"Welcome home darling"

"Home?" I raise a brow and smirk as I lay down on the couch.

"Don't you want this to be your home, don't you want to stay with me?" He says with a pout, a cute pout if I may add. He sits down on the couch, me resting my head on his lap. I poke his cheek as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Of course, I just don't want to move to fast" I say, he chuckles and shakes his head.

"We've had sex twice and I love you, no matter what happens I will never stop wanting to be with you" He says slowly, I smile and pinch his cheek.

"Cliche bastard" I grin, he chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.

"If loving you is cliche, than I'm the most cliche person on earth" He smiles, I roll my eyes.

"Eh you're so gay!" I say playfully, he smirks.

"If loving you is gay, then I don't want to be straight" He responds with a sly smirk, I scrunch up my nose.

"Ew Harry!" I laugh, he pokes my nose.

"Where's Hazza?" Harry raises a brow, I pout.

"With my friend" I frown, Harry bites his bottom lip.

"Awe we'll have to get a new buddy" He says with a smile, I nod in agreement.

"Yeah but a puppy, puppies are better" I say, Harry shakes his head.

"Absolutely not" He states, I sit up and scoot away from him.

"Harry, with a puppy I can play with him and take him for walks-" He cuts me off by grabbing my face and pulling it towards his, our faces centimeters apart.

"I like pussy cats, especially yours" He mumbles against my lips, I gulp as his hands travel down my torso. One hand still holding onto my jaw, the other finding its way down.

"Want me to show you how much I love it, I love everything about it especially the taste" He says seductively, I stay quiet not knowing what to say.

"Answer me, demand what you want you are now my queen" He smiles as his hand clutches my ass, I peck his lips lightly.

"Make me forget about Louis" I mutter, Harry gives me a sinister smirk.

"Your wish is my command" He says before roughly pushing down onto the couch. With one hand on either side of my face, Harry stares down at me.

"You're the definition of perfection" He whispers, I slightly smile.

"I want you so bad baby" Harry says, my hand travels down to his hard erection and I palm it but he pulls my hand away.

"Harry I don't want to, let's take it slow" I mumble, he nods and pulls back.

"Okay darling, like a normal couple, I want to show you that I truly do love you and if abstinence is apart of it that's fine" He says, I smile and nod. I stand up, grabbing my things as well.

I look around the modern apartment, a black couch sits in the middle of the square living room, a plasma TV sits right in front of it, a round coffee table is in between the two. I smile and follow Harry to where I assume is his bedroom. I place my things on the nearby table and fall onto the bed. Harry falls beside me, his eyes on me as he smiles.

"You're so beautiful" He mumbles, I smile.

"Thank you Harry"

"I'm so infatuated with you, your all I've ever wanted. Everything about you makes me happy, even the terrible past you have it makes me love you more. The fact after everything you still love me is magnificent, it shows that you're a beautiful person inside and out and I am truly blessed to have you as my own" He says and kisses my cheek, grabbing my petite body and holding me against him.

"I feared getting used to being held by you but, I'll never leave if you keep loving me this way" I murmur, Harry smiles and grabs my jaw, pulling my lips onto his.

"I love you darling, now together we're alone there's no other place I'd ever want to go" He mumbles in my ear, I peck his neck.

"I love you too Harry"

"I really appreciate you not being afraid of me, not judging me just because I used to enjoy killing people, but the purple I've murdered weren't as innocent as you think baby" He says, turning his head and looking at me.

"Tell me how Zayn was guilty of something, tell me why he deserved anything" I say, my voice cracking at the end.

"You already know why! He was only using you, he only wanted you because you were a decent fuck" Harry says nonchalantly, I frown.

"What about Luke?" I raise a brow, Harry sighs.

"He was lying to you the whole time you knew each other, he wasn't a virgin. He was a terrible person, bet you didn't realize he got a few pictures of you blowing him, he was going to post them and humiliate you and I couldn't allow that" He says, I roll my eyes.

"I would've saw his phone Harry" I bluntly say, he chuckles.

"I doubt he wanted you to see him, he isn't stupid. He uses the 'Virgin' excuse for every female he exposed" Harry says, I frown.

"What about Michael, Calum and Ashton they had to be innocent" I ask, Harry shakes his head.

"They were all friends, Luke had sent them the pictures of you they had seen you exposed Violet. They laughed, they acted as if they were friends with you but they were fake. They didn't deserve to have you as a friend" He shrugs, I frown.

"There's no use in trying to get through to you, you're a murderer. Because they made mistakes doesn't mean they deserve to die Harry" I say, he rolls his eyes.

"Yes it does! They're terrible people" He says, I cross my eyes at him.

"Harry if they deserve to die because of their mistakes, then you deserve to die as well" I state, Harry frowns and clinches his fist. I gulp and sitting up, I look down at my hands.

"I think I should go, maybe get my own place or something" I mutter, Harry shoots up.

"Darling I'm sorry, j-just please don't leave me alone" He begs, I sigh.

"I don't know if this is good for us, I've been here for 20 minutes and we're already fighting. Harry I don't want this to be all for nothing" I say, he sighs and grabs my hand.

"Violet do you love me?" He whispers, looking me in the eyes. I stay quiet, Harry frowns.

"Dont lie, I can tell when you lie darling" He says, I gulp.

"I love you Harry, so fucking much" I say, he slightly smiles.

"Then we can make it work" He states, I nod and smile.

"Okay Harry" I mutter, he squeezes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

"Don't worry babe"

"No worries"


I know this sucked but this story has like not a lot of chapters left so....

So I need you guys opinion!

Should I rewrite my old story "Over Again"

Or should I write a new story called "Baby Girl"

Over Again is a Harry gang affiliated story, where the boys are all in a gang and I don't really want to go into detail but it has a lot of action and twist and turns.

Baby girl is going to be a Zayn daddy kink story, where he is a art teacher and stuff like that.

So please comment what you think. !

Love you all


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