FORTY-TWO ✴ Threatened

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       Mila was quick to sit up in her seat, looking around in a panic and moving for the doors as the car sped away from the mall. Evelyn was beside her, staring ahead at the man in front of them with wide eyes.

       A police uniform with multiple badges and stars was the first thing she noticed. Then, Mila took in the structured face and peppered hair. It only took her a moment to recognize the man sitting in front of her.

       "I believe we haven't officially met," he said, his steel-colored eyes going over them carefully. "I'm Gregory Keller, Chief of Police at Division."

       Both Mila and Evelyn both remined quiet, siting rigidly in their seats.

       "I apologize for the way you were brought into this car," he said. "I warned my men to be more careful."

       "You mean Kane's men," Evelyn corrected, giving him a dirty look.

       His eyes bore into hers and he frowned, his hard eyes flashing with something Mila couldn't read.

       "I supposed there's no need to walk around the fact," he said after a moment. "You two know who I am."

       Mila shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "What do you want from us?"

       "You've caused a lot of trouble for me," he said. "You two exposed me to that detective and medic officer. I understand they've opened an investigation on me in secret."

       Evelyn's eyebrows furrowed and her and Mila glanced at each other in confusion, wondering how he found that out so quickly. Hunter and Jason just started looking into him a few days ago.

       "I've been watching those two since they arrested all those dealers from Rave," he said. "You think somebody can investigate me in my own building and I wouldn't know about it?"

       "We know you work for Kane," Evelyn said.

       "But you don't have proof," he reminded her. "You worked for Kane at his Greenwich Mansion, correct? I'm assuming you know a lot more about Psychotics than you should."

       She didn't say anything, looking away.

       "I can't have people doubting me as Chief of Police," he said. "So, this ends now."

       Mila felt her heart drop. "What are you going to do to us?"

       "Kane will deal with you however he sees fit," Chief Keller told her sharply. "I'm only here to give you a chance. A warning."

       Evelyn resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "We're not the ones investigating you. Why take us?"

       "As former employees under Psychotics, I know you two are the ones giving Dawson and Cross insider information," he snapped, referring to Hunter and Jason.

       Mila frowned. "That's not true."

       "Don't bother lying," he told her, scowling.

       "Hunter and Jason are already on to you," Evelyn told him. "If you kill us, they'll know and you'll get put behind bars."

       "I'm not going to kill you," he said, "yet."

       "Then why are we here?" Mila demanded for the second time, suddenly frustrated.

       Chief Killer pursed his lips. "I told you, I'm warning you about the consequences of your actions if you keep pursuing this."

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