Drunk Actions Are Sober Thoughts

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Chapter 3

I dont know what was in that alcohol yesterday but I've never once woken up with a hang over except this morning.

"Ugh, what the hell" I groaned rubbing my temples to try and sooth the headache.

I stumbled out of bed making my way to the kitchen. Everyone was looking at me weirdly probably because I for once had a hangover.

"Morning Hope" Jed waved, chugging a bottle of water.

"Jed?" I blocked the sun with my hands "You seem cheery"

"Other than the hangover, I see no reason to be gloomy"

"Mmmm, what happend last night?"

"I dont know about you but I left with a girl and we had lots of fun last night.."

"Hey Jed" Kaleb waved.

I looked between the both of them, they were both cheery.

"Hope, goodmorning"


"You look like hell"

"Yeah well I cant remember shit and this is my first hangover, what was in that drink?"

"Oh no, you didn't drink out of the red bottle did you?" Kaleb asked.

"I dont know, my memory is foggy"

"Well shit, Hope have fun with that. Oh and here" Jed tossed me a pill bottle shortly followed by a bottle of water "Sober up. Me and Kabes are headed back to my room"

I quirked an eyebrow "Back? To your room?"

"Uh.. Cause... Uh, Kabes?"

"Well we met this morning and he told me about...How boring his night was"

"Wait what?"

"We have to go, bye!" Jed quickly dragged Kaleb away. I stood there baffled, was Kaleb who Jed slept with last night? Was Jed gay?

Honestly, right know I could care less.

I threw the pill in my mouth and chugged the water before stumbling back to my room.

I was glad no one bothered me this morning, I thought that would continue but life has a way of letting me down.

"What do you want?"

"Its me, Penelope."

I thought about letting her in for a second, I didnt really want company but Pen did sound a bit sad. So with the flick of my wrist the door opened.

"Whats wrong?"

"I dont think we should be friends"


"Im with Josie and I love Josie"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You kissed me, Hope! And now I have to keep it a secret from Josie."

"I think if I kissed you I'd rem-"

Suddenly my foggy memories began to show more clearly. The feeling of Penelopes lips on mine rushed into my head. Oh my god...Fuck I kissed Penelope.

"I...Penelope I was drunk."

"Sober thoughts are drunk actions"

Instead of stopping Penelope from leaving, I let her go. I was not going to choke down my pride and beg for her forgiveness.

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