Ill Always Be Here To Comfort You

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Chapter 6

I woke up curled next to a warm body, I was a bit tired reaching over to see who it was.

"What the hell" She shouted in a grumpy morning voice. I jumped up realizing it was Penelope.

"Shit, sorry I didn't know you were the one in my bed"

"We're you expecting someone else?" Penelope asked, raising an eyebrow at me as she sat up in her bed.

"No, I wasnt expecting anyone actually, but im glad its you" I shrugged, acting as if what I just said wasn't a big deal. But I knew it was, I have admitted I cared about Penelope on multiple occasions and it was a big deal each time.

"Come lay back down, Mikaelson." She patted the spot next to her gesturing me to come lay back down.

I looked between the bed and her, hesitant but I still eventually climbed back into the bed.

"Thanks for yesterday" She said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and scooting herself closer.

I gulped feeling her body rub against mine. "Anytime, ill always be here for you. No matter what" I whispered, halfway hoping she didnt hear.

"You really do care about me, huh?"

"Shut up" I mumbled, coughing out a laugh. She joining in, throwing her head back. Obviously it was more funny for her than me.

"We should get ready for class" Penelope suggested, trying to sit up but I pulled her back down. "Just a few more moments?"

"I wouldn't mind being late to class but I would like to fix things with Jo Jo"

My heart froze for a second, as if JoJo--Jo wasn't my friend. Why was I hogging her now ex girlfriend?

"Right---Jo, yeah you should do that" I said trying to make my voice sound natural and not hurt. Why was I hurt? Penelope wasn't mine. And Jo is one of my bestfriends.

"See you in class" I smiled weakly at the girl "Bye"

"Dont be all gloomy, Mikaelson. I know im fabulous but you can wait a few minutes to see me again"

I squinted my eyes at the girl, it was my way of giving her a threat. "Woah, calm down" She raised her hands In surrender backing up to the door. I laughed at the girl then waved at her as she gave me a genuine smile, opening the door and leaving.

I took a quick shower, getting ready for the day. I put on light makeup as usual. Curled the ends of my hair and put on the Salvatore uniform. Except this time in was a red shirt with black jeans and a dark blue jacket with the Salvatore logo.

Arriving at the cafeteria I saw Jo sitting at her normal table with her normal group of friends. Of course I was one of them. I'd just rather sit with Jed and Raf.

Jo was talking to Penelope and it looked like it was getting pretty heated.

"Yo, Hope!" Raf shouted waving his hand at me.

I tore my eyes away from the conversation happening and looked over at him, smiling before grabbing a trey and making my way to the table.

Landon was there this time. "Hey Hopey"

"Dont call me that" I said in a threatening tone. His eyes widened and he gave me a weird smile. I totally scared him.

Raf and Jed both laughed at him. Raf even took a French toast stick off my trey knowing I never ate them.

"They should totally just fuck and get over it" Raf said looking somewhere else other than the table.

"What?" I questioned being confused as to what he was talking about.

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