The Date

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Chapter 5

It had been a week since the accident with Landon, nothing suspicious has happend since then. But I was still worried.

"I dont think I should go" I told Landon, a bit hesitant of leaving the school when barley a week ago Landon almost died.

"You deserve to be happy, Hope" Landon said, rummaging through my closet.

"But I cant leave the school unprotected." I stated, looking at the back of Landons head.

"We can protect ourselves"

"I dont think its a good idea"

"I found your outfit!" Landon cheered holding up a nice dress.

"Landon, im serious! I think I should cancel"

"You're not canceling!" Landon shouted. "Now put on this dress"

I groaned, changing right infront of Landon.


"What?" I turned around to face him, he was looking at me, no shame.

"Im gay not blind"

I laughed at his comment, making my way to the bathroom and applying a small amount of makeup.

"Hope?" Someone called softly from the door. I looked over to Landon who shrugged in return.

I made my way to the door, finding a crying Penelope there.

"What happend?" I asked worried, completley forgetting how I was just mad at her.

"Jo Jo broke up with me" She sniffed. I wrapped my arms around her looking back at Landon for help.

"Oh baby" I whispered leading her towards the bed while still hugging her.

"I dont see what I did wrong" She mumbled, her voice cracking with each word.

"Hope, your date isn't with Penelope" Landon stated seeming a bit annoyed that Penelope was in my room to begin with.

"You have a date?" Penelope sniffed looking up at me, her face expression conpletley changing to neutral as if she didnt just come to me crying.

"Not anymore" I replied. "Landon, leave" I demanded pointing to the door.

"No, I can go. I dont want to interrupt your date" Penelope said standing up and wiping her face.

"What? No! If my friend is sad I'm going to comfort her"

"But you said we weren't friends"

"I was having a bad day, I didnt mean it"

"Hope" Landon groaned looking between me and Penelope with a look of suspicion on his face.

"Im canceling the date, I didnt want to go in the first place"

"No, you can't cancel your date you already got ready"

"I can do what I want" I patted the place beside me, scotting back towards the head board. "Come lay down"

I watched Landon walk out the room, shutting the door behind him.

Penelope was a little hesitant yet still ended up laying next to me in the bed.

"You wanna tell me what happend?" My voice was soft and comforting, I wanted to make sure she knew I was here for her.

Penelopes pov/flashback

"Morning Jo Jo" I smiled. I had just woken up but realized she wasn't there. I felt the space next to me again as if I had been hallucinating, maybe I was still asleep?

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