Friends, Just Friends

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Chapter 4

The next morning when I woke up i couldnt remember anything past drinking at the bar after leaving Penelope. Not to mention this hangover was worst than the last. I could barley move without my head throbbing.

How did I even get in my room?

What if I did something stupid?

I dont think anything could've been more stupid than kissing Penelope.

Gulping I tried getting out of bed only to feel like I was going to puke. I covered my mouth and sprinted to the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet. Not even a second later I was puking everything out.

I felt empty and weak when I was done, i didn't even want to leave the cold ground next to the toilet where I sat with mt back against the bath tub.

I was in my underwear and a tank top but I didnt mind how cold the ground was or how cold the bath tub was against exposed my back because I was sweating and warn out.

"Hope? Hope, open the door we need to talk"

"Go away whoever you are" I yelled in a weak voice.

"Are you ok in there?"

The person on the other side of the door sounded familiar. If I thought hard enough I could probably guess who it was. But I was so worn out honestly I just wanted to fall a sleep right here.

Closing my eyes I was almost out cold until the sound of a vague voice got louder and snapped me out of my sleep spell.

"Hope! Dude, are you alright"

I squinted my eyes at the figure, it was Raf.

"Ugh, go away"

"Im worried whats going on"

"Go away" I swatted.

"Bruh don't be like this"

I was about to reply when I had to sudden earge to puke again. Putting my head over the toilet I swear I puked anything that was left inside of me which I thought was nothing.

"Whats wrong with you? You've never been sick before"

"Its called a hangover"

"Yeah but you don't get hangovers unless you drank way more than needed and even then you're not suppose to puke like this"

"Im fine, Raf."

"Have you ever been sick before?!"

"Yeah, when the Hallow took hold of me I was sick a few days"

"Hope, im worried"

"Was there a reason why you came here?"

"Right, yeah. The kiss. I dont like you Hope alright. It was a drunken mistake"

Hearing those words come out of his mouth reminded me of the same thing I said to Penelope, almost the same as that statement.

"Its fine, Raf. It was nothing"

"OK good because hanging with the guys without you is boring"

"Im the life of the party I guess"

"Yeah, you are"

I gave Raf a weak smile knowing how much I wouldve loved to hear someone like Penelope say that to me instead of throwing away our whole friendship.

"So, what happend last night to make you...Like this"

I chuckled, watching Raf slowly sit down next to me never taking his eyes away from me.

"Lizzie took me to a bar, I dont remember anything past...." I thought about how much I should tell Raf, I dont fully trust anyone and even tho I've known Raf for years I dont think I'd tell him I had gotten drunk over Penelope Park. "Going to the bathroom."

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