Wolves Host The Best Parties

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Chapter 7

I woke up to the sun shining in my face, I tried blocking it with my hand. Feeling tired of holding it up I resulted to the pillow which rested under my head.

It worked, that was until someone bursted into my room.

"Mikaelson!" Lizzie shouted jumping on my bed which caused it to be unlabeled.

I groaned "Why are you up so early? Its the weekend, is it not?"

"Landon told me about your failed date, for Satan really?"

"Shes not as bad as you make her out to be" I defended. I say up in my bed in order to face Lizzie knowing I wouldn't be going back to sleep if she didnt get the attention she craved.

"Shes Satan, shes worse than I make her out to be"

I got kind of annoyed, feeling as if I had to defend the girl who once comforted me in my time of need. Who also once asked me to sleep with her, well it wasn't once but many times.

Why did I deny her the pleasure again?

"Shes not Satan, just because she sticks---" I paused what I was saying, gratefully so because what was about to come out of my mouth would light Lizzies head on fire.

"Shes just different" I resulted to something small, something that couldn't offend anyone.

"Different? Hell yeah she is" Lizzie said, standing up.

Did she get that I meant in a good way?

"Josies feeling gloomy, we would both enjoy your company"

"HOPE!" Landon shouted bursting in the room as Lizzie formally did.

I looked at him as if he was crazy. "My room is a sanctuary for me, not everyone" I grunted.

"Ethans here and hot as ever"

"What? Why is he here!?!" I shouted as I began to panic. "Here to take his girl back" Lizzie added, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at her, running around the room to fix myself up before the boy I left hanging on our date night arrived in my room as everyone else did.

I used a bit of wolf speed, rushing around the room and finishing getting ready just as he knocked on the already opened door.

Atleast he's respectful.

"Ethan! Hey" I said, leaning against the wall as if I wasnt just running around the room like a crazy maniac.

"You missed our date" He sounded gloomy, was it really that big of a deal for me to attend a date?

"I know, my friend was having troubles and last minute I decided to stay with her"

"She chose her over you, good luck man."
I saw Landon lean into Ethan, whispering in his ear "If you two don't work out, im right here. Wide open"

Ethan looked terrified, watching Landon walk out the room "Lizzie, you coming?" Landon asked to the blonde girl who stayed planted next to me.

She gave him an annoyed look "Go away hobbit!" She growled.

I threw a shrug Landons way before turning my attention back to Ethan. "I understand why you didn't come but a message wouldn't have hurt, a warning...maybe?"

"We didnt exchange numbers" I shrugged, knowing I wouldn't have texted him even if we did. "Right"

"This is just awkward, meet me in my room. Bring the icecream" Lizzie said exiting the room and closing the door behind her.

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