💣 [The Potion Of Choice] part-1

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When you have to wait for Wattpad to be like 'Alright, I'm over it now, you can publish stuff now's after waiting and losing my mind.

[Word count: 864]


Everyone was outside having practice fights, gathering flowers and making flower crowns, talking and teasing and in general enjoying their time with one another.

Wilbur, after making a flower crown with the help from Nikki, walked towards techno who was close to the woods, tiredly leaning on a tree, and placed the flower crown gently but quickly on Technos head.

The other being tired from working to late hours, didn't even notice someone was standing in front of him until Willbur lightly chucked and placed a kiss on his forehead while erupting him into a soft and warm hug.

After softly hugging for a few minutes in the open, they heard a light squeak coming from behind them. Techno identified it as a mouse almost immediately, having encountered enough of them on his potato farms and Wilbur guessed it, by remembering a few little encounters he had in the Pogtopia ravine with them.

As they were about to turn around to see what a nice was doing so close to a very loud area (let's just say that mice don't like loud noise and tend to stay away from those places), they heard a whoosh and a sound of a splash potion as they turned around enough to identify the person as Wilburs crazy ex Sally (was tempted to go with Minx, for the memes). But before they could do anything they head shouting behind them as they were falling to the ground and saw her explode into thousands of mice, that were now running away as the world was going dark.


The next day was very stressful for everyone as emotions and tension was set high after yesterday, with everyone blaming themselves for being so carefree. What bothered them the most was that no one actually saw what exactly happened.

The only thing they knew was that one second there was a sudden splash potion sound and the next Wilbur and Techno were both on the floor, with mice running in every possible direction. And now after a whole day, they still had an unconscious crime boy and anarchist on their hands, who were resting in their own separate rooms.

For a few hours now Philza, Tubbo, Fundy, Sam and Ponk have been placing the broken glass pieces together in hopes of learning what potion it was since every potion had a magic craving texture on the glass it was being contained in. 

Finally managing to piece it, they soon realised this was no normal potion, as the carved texture was not in the front/side of the bottle but rather underneath it, causing more tension and worry from the unfamiliarity. What was even further consuming was the fact that instead of a pinky sized,  human or end language text, it was a pin sized ancient text, no one has heard of.

Philza, wanting to see the tiny text closer, summoned a mini portal that changed your POV (point of vision (I think)) and realised some symbols looked familiar. He looked away, giving others an opportunity to look at the text and summoned one of his old study books that documented one of his explorations and discovery of a runt with a strange language.
In the document it was stated that after a few years of finding the said language he figured that it was some strange mix of the ender and ancient piliger speech.

He sadly still can't understand every single word or meaning  but luckily the text on the bottle was easy enough to put two and two together.

What Philza read (out loud so the other four could hear as well) horrified them. Tubbo was on the verge of tears,  Fundy was about to pass out and Sam desperately needed to sit down, while the other two stood paralysed in shock.

As they were about to tell the others the horrifying news, they heard a loud thump from upstairs coming from Technos room.


The text:

'The person who is put under this potion effect will either be in serious pain and lose their vision/hearing/taste/balance forever unless given the antidote or they will change gender for a year with no possible antidote, still experiencing headaches and nausea.

If the gender bend effect is chosen the said person will not remember that they have been a different gender before. The only people that would know, are the people who knew the said person being transformed.

Side effects of using the antidote:
-Possible massive loss of memory,

-Minor insanity,

-Unsatisfied hunger,


-Possible constant loss of blood, (coughing it up every day)

-Constant nauseousness/dizziness,

-Possible muscle failure, (one of your limbs go sleep-sleep,

-Possible vocal cord infection, (u a mute now)

-(RARE) Heart failure.'

Oh boi, the possibilities for angst on this one :)

I love how originally the potion was only supposed to turn techno and wilbur into girls, but I was like 'wait, I can make this so massively angst filled, I myself will cry writing this'.

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