chapter eight

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George had just stormed out and Luke was grabbing his stuff to leave Ms Peters office. I could not believe that Luke had started it but he shouldn't get the blame. I know I am more team Luke than George. However, you cannot do that to someone. Even if you hate them, I thought they were friends. I had no idea why they were fighting anyway. Oh My God. Wait Luke said he was going to teach George a lesson. I do not know if I should be impressed or furious at him. However, it showed he cared for me. As he walked out with this bag on his shoulder he looked okay. Well, the best he could for being ratted out by Geroge Williams. I do not hate him but I just heavily dislike him at this moment in time. The three of us walked to our first period and I prayed that it would end quickly. I just could not deal with school anymore. I sat in the back of Biology and just wondered. Why did I kiss Luke after so long? Did I want to make George jealous? Because last night the kiss was not bad, I just didn't want it to happen like that. I still like him but Luke is taking my top stop right now. My brain just did not know what to do. Luke or George. It is a difficult decision. Luke, the guy who will do anything for you and make you laugh every minute of every day. However, George is more mature and he has his whole life planned out. So did I want a spontaneous future or a structured one? It's too early to be thinking about long life decisions with guys I probably won't know in 10 years. Biology dragged on as usual and I just wanted to escape.

This town has gone downhill. Like one of my best friends killed and her boyfriend arrested something is not add up. Like seriously this town is messed up. The only thing getting me through today is my friends. I just can't be bothered. I want to go live in LA. Become an actress and get out of here. Make millions and be a household name. Meet celebrities and become best friends with them. I know it will never happen, but just imagine OLIVIA MOORE up in neon lights. I have played extras in a couple of Netflix shows that shout in San Francisco but that's about it. Yet I don't think I could leave my friends here. I know Luke will get a record deal and George will get a scholarship to some football school. Erin will become a published author and Ashton will follow in his dad's footsteps even though he hates him. Also, Matthew, I haven't known him long but he just screams like a hockey player. I don't know why but it just fits his personality.

The bell rang and I walked to the second period but I stopped. I saw George looking frantically around the hall. I just gave him a confused look and shrugged it off. Suddenly he ran towards me and exclaimed,

"Livia, I know you and everyone is talking to me but this is serious."

"What has happened? Is everything okay?" I stated alerting Luke who just happened to be behind me. He rolled his eyes but could see George was in distress so helped.

"Hey. Calm down. Say everything that has happened or I'll just walk away and act like I never knew you." I said with a monotone voice while holding his board shoulders. I could feel Lukes jealously seeping through my head. I turned my head to see his arms crossed and his brows were furrowed. He looked so angry but so hot at the same time. I let go of his shoulders and he started to say,

"I got a text. Let's just say everyone has to see this."

"SERIOUSLY. You drag us over here to not even tell us what is up. I don't even know why I was bothered." Luke answered while walking away. I pulled him by his bag and I could tell the cute angry face was back.

"Luke be quiet. Also, George, he does have a point why didn't you just wait until-"

"Liam's dead" George quietly whispered gaining confused stares from Luke and me.

"Excuse me. He is in jail. How is that-" I stuttered. He quickly showed us his phone. He had received a text from an unknown number stating that whoever it was killed, Liam Ellis and Sophia Diaz. I just couldn't believe what I was reading. I didn't think it was real. I thought it was over. I just thought my dad did his job. Got the bad guy and it will be over. We would go to Sophia's funeral and say our final goodbyes and it would be over. She would always be with us be the whole story would be finished. Yet someone has turned it into a game that we six have to play. George, Luke, Erin, Ashton, Matthew and Me. I could just tell from that simple text what was happening and this game is one I want to win.

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