chapter fifteen

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As I answered the door and my face dropped. George Williams had the audacity to come and see me. I just didn't know what to believe anymore. He held a bunch of daffodils and some small white ones mixed in. They were beautiful flowers but not from him. I didn't know what to say but I didn't have to. Erin stormed in front of me and grabbed the flowers from my hands. She threw them to the ground and stomped on them multiple times. George and I looked at each other in utter shock but I honestly didn't care about the flowers anyway. Erin then spat,

"Thanks for the flowers but those white flowers look kinda cheap." Oh my God. I love this girl too much. Like she didn't have but she did. Before I could say anything Ashton had stormed over to see the quarterback standing at my front door.

"You think it's funny to come over here after threatening her brother. Man, you are brave." George couldn't even get a word in without getting attacked by those two. I murmured,

"Anyways, thank you for the flowers. I'll let my dad know you came round when he gets in." I smiled while trying to pick up the remains of the trampled flowers. Erin gave me a piercing stare and I dropped them back on the floor. Luke moped over with hunched shoulders. He looked me in the eyes and I could see him using energy just to keep his eyes open. He then whispered,

"I really don't care Liv. I'm exhausted." I smiled while bringing him in for an embrace. I then replied,

"Lukey just go to sleep in my room. Please try to get some sleep." He nodded slowly and hobbled up the stairs half asleep. George gave me a sad look and I kinda felt bad for the guy. I really want to just say thanks for the flowers and watch an episode of some crappy reality TV show.

"Well, thanks for coming George. We will see you later. Bye." I shut the door in his face and I just walked away. Erin and Ashton were giggling about something and I honestly couldn't care less. My brother had just died and the guy that said he beat him up last night came to give us flowers. I really don't know what to believe. I still can't believe anything that happened last night happened. I barely got a wink of sleep which is understandable but Luke. Luke has been through shit and acts as if he is perfectly okay every minute of every day. First, his mom died. Then he got a psycho stepmother and his dad leaves him with the rat and her ratty son practically. Thirdly gets knocked unconscious by his so call friend. And finally got tied up in his girlfriend's basement by someone who killed her brother. If I was him I wouldn't be able to have a smile on my face 24/7. It broke my heart when he was crying when I found him. He was so helpless and he couldn't put on his gorgeous smile. I don't know how he does it. He hated questions so asking if he was alright would piss him off even more. I stopped in my tracks and fell on the couch. I put the news on to see a news reporter on the screen outside my house.

"What the fuck is this?" My statement caught the attention of Ashton and Erin and their eyes were now glued to the screen like mine. As I turned up the reporter stated,

"Last night two young men were tied up in the basement of this household. The older boy Charlie Moore aged only 19 died on the scene whereas Luke Anderson survived this house invasion. It has been found out that he was the Sheriff's son and Sheriff Moore is working on his son's case at the minute."

The tears were jerking in my eyes. I was so annoyed. Charlie hadn't even been dead for 24 hours and nosey journalists were outside my door. They really don't understand how grieving works. I walked to the door and was about to step out but Ashton shouted,

"Liv don't. They will plaster you over all the news channels okay." I nodded my head while sliding down the door. I curled up into a ball and wanted the world to eat me up but I couldn't. I needed to be strong for dad. That is what Charlie would want. Charlie was the best big brother I could have ever asked for. Even though I fought with him now he is gone I needed him more than ever. I stood up and I know Erin had her eyes on me. She was worried. I know she wanted me to have emotions about it but I couldn't stop crying. This is normal right?

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